
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Tue Feb 25th, 2025 @ 3:48am

Sr Journeyman Halia

Name Halia

Position Weyrharper

Rank Sr Journeyman

Character Information

Gender Female
Dragon Colour

Physical Appearance

Physical Description Halia is small and curvy. She has long dark blond hair and stunning blue eyes.


Spouse/ Weyrmate S'lei
Family Harle – 48 (Father)
Lianna – 40 (Mother)
Hold Connections Moni- Blue Firelizard - 6

Personality & Traits

General Overview he is assumed as shy and a little off with people due to her deep routed fear of getting close to people and then them going like all the family she has had in the past disappearing. She is sensitive and caring of others. Rather a perfectionist,
Sexuality Heterosexual


History Halia was a pretty normal child growing up in the South, apprenticing to the Harper Hall at a young age growing up there.
When she returned to home hold at the age of 20 she caught the eye of a local Holder who wanted to marry her, the man was twice her age and the attention was unwanted. Halia went against her parents’ wishes and refused to marry the Holder and ran off to the nearest allied hold, where she asked for a transfer to the Weyr knowing she wouldn’t be forced to marry the Holder.