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Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 8:21am

Bronze Rider Ni’hau

Name Ni’hau

Position Wingleader

Rank Bronze Rider

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 26
Year Of Birth after landing 3505
Dragon Zaijianth
Dragon Age 11
Dragon Colour Bronze
Dragon Description Zaijianth is on the small side for a bronze. His legs are a bit short and his chest a bit wide, giving him a solid, stocky appearance. His forehead is a bit higher and his snout a bit shorter than average, giving him a rather intelligent appearance. His color is slightly towards the ruddy side of bronze, giving him a rather rosy look in the sun. His face has even more red in it, fading towards his legs which have almost no red.

Physical Appearance

Physical Description Ni’hau is a medium height and of an athletic build. His skin is naturally slightly dark. His hair is only just slightly darker than his skin and is a bit on the long side, giving him a shaggy appearance. His smile reveals a line of perfectly straight, white teeth. He still bears some of the marks of youth, but is far too muscular to be mistaken for a child.


Family Father: Master Penthau, DECEASED
Mother: Journeywoman Nirehna, DECEASED

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ni’hau is overall cheerful, but slightly bitter. He is usually optimistic, but can turn into the biggest pessimist ever if just one thing goes wrong. He is a good leader, often taking charge of his peers and organizing things like chores, games, and study. Though born to Harpers, he has zero musical ability whatsoever.
Sexuality Heterosexual


History Born at Harper Hall to the Master composer and a Journeywoman, Nirahmenhau- or Nirah as he was known by almost everyone- was around music from an early age. This did not seem to matter, though, as he developed absolutely no musical ability at all. His mother was disappointed, but his father maintained that it didn’t really matter because perhaps he would take to some other craft. Ever supportive, his parents took him to visit beast crafters and glass smiths and just about everything. Nothing seemed to take, however, until they visited a sea hold when Nirah was twelve years old.

Nirah took to the water like nobody’s business. He swam as well as the fish and even played with the Dolphins a bit. He was in the water more than out of it in the time they were there. His father thought perhaps Nirah could be apprenticed to sailors or dolphineers.

However, before that could be arranged, his father became very ill and died within two sevendays. His mother died of grief only a month later. Not knowing what else to do with him, the Harpers fostered him to the Headwoman’s assistant, who had too many fosters to really keep track of and he was put to work in the kitchens.

He tried several times to talk to his new Foster mother about sending him to the Dolphineers or the sailors, but she dismissed his requests because she didn’t have enough time to deal with them. After three years of being treated like a drudge, Nirah decided to get to the Dolphin Hall on his own. Without even informing anyone, he hitched a ride with some traders, working for them in exchange for passage to the Fort Sea Hold, where he apprenticed the Dolphineers.

His apprenticeship only lasted a few months, however, as he was searched by Fort Weyr dragons. He went with them to the Weyr, obviously, because the lure of being a rider was too tempting to resist. At the next hatching- only two sevendays after his arrival- he impressed bronze Zaijianth.

Now dubbed Ni’hau, he quickly made friends with all of the new riders. The Weyrlingmaster made note of how easily Ni’hau took charge of organizing them and how easily they simply fell into step right behind him. He was, it seemed, a natural born leader. All the Weyrlingmaster had to do was to tell Ni’hau what needed to be done and it would get done. This was due to Ni’hau’s willingness to always do the most unpleasant and dirtiest jobs himself.

Most of their time was spent in drills and ferrying firestone once thread started to fall. Ni’hau had been in the group that had hoped everyone was wrong about thread returning, but had participated whole heartedly. It wouldn’t do to be unprepared, would it?

Once all the riders were old enough to join the fighting wings, Ni’hau was one of their wing leaders. There had been three bronzes in the clutch (of a total of 37 eggs) so they were divided more or less evenly into three junior wings.

Many turns were spent in Fort Weyr. At one point, Zaijianth won a mating flight with a dragon of one of the shy younger green riders. She had been terrified upon finding herself tangled up with Ni’hau, but he had managed to talk her down and assure her he expected nothing more of her. They ended up becoming great friends.

All things come to an end though, and a request for riders to head southern intrigued Ni’hau. Unable to resist another adventure, he volunteered to go and so was sent to River Cover Weyr.