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Sun Oct 13th, 2024 @ 7:39pm

Jr Journeyman Marika

Name Marika

Position Animal Healer

Rank Jr Journeyman

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 26
Dragon Colour
Craft Animal Healer

Physical Appearance

Physical Description Marika is 5’5” and 116 lbs. She has long wavy, jet-black hair that she keeps braided to keep it out of the way. Her eyes are a sapphire blue and are always caring. She’s actually quite pretty and can turn almost any man’s head. She prefers leather pants like her brother for working with the animals and is always in boots.


Family Rikart-journeyman winesman
Lanlee-journeywoman Harper
Riklan(brother)-journeyman Healer
Hold Connections Kymos Hold

Personality & Traits

General Overview Marika is very fun loving. She cares deeply for others as well as animals and will never hurt anyone intentionally. She
takes offence if someone talks badly of animals, no matter what kind. She loves Gathers and likes to flirt with just about anyone who will give her the time of day. She likes to be in charge, but will follow orders without complaint as well.
Sexuality Heterosexual


History Marika was born 2 Turns after her brother Riklan to Lanlee and Rikart. She loved her life in Keymos Hold and was probably one of the few people who didn’t dream of being a dragonrider. Marika learned early that she wanted to be an animal healer. She was always bringing sick animals home and nursing them back to health, so when she turned 10 her parents let her become an apprentice.

Marika loved every second of it and took down notes nonstop, so she wouldn’t forget anything that may come in handy later. She walked the tables when she was 18 because of how well she listened and adapted to different circumstances. Her brother gave her a small canine as a congratulations present and now Indigo follows her everywhere.