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Tue Oct 15th, 2024 @ 7:17am


Name Milayna

Position Drudge


Character Information

Gender Female
Age 21
Dragon Colour

Physical Appearance

Physical Description Milayna is beautiful. She has golden blond hair that falls to the middle of her back in waves and her bangs curl around her eyes when she lets them loose. Her eyes are darker then the greenest emerald and she is curvy. Not overly curvy, just right curvy. Her curves are all in the right place. Hands down, she could have any guys she wanted, but she’s not like that. She has a friendly face and is always smiling. She has a petite build and high cheekbones.


Spouse/ Weyrmate F'cone
Family Valaria-aunt
V’lik-24-cousin, blue rider
K’yar-22-cousin-brown rider
Minilar-father-ran out on him
Hold Connections Dragon Hold
Far Site Hold

Personality & Traits

General Overview Milayna is as kind hearted as her brother. She could normally be found with the young children, helping them out when she could. Even though she lives in Dragon Hold she never lost her kind streak. Although she had learned not to fight. Since her 14th Turn when she really started to show what she was going to look like she has had to bed quite a few of the Hold’s inhabitants. She learned fast that fighting only got her beat, so as much as she despised herself for doing it, she had no choice.
Sexuality Heterosexual


History Milayna was born to Talayna and Minilar 11 months before her brother. Talayna never told her husband that she was pregnant, so Minilar never knew he had a daughter. Which was just as well since Talayna came down pregnant again just a couple months later.

Milayna was raised by an aunt until her mother passed away. The aunt then shipped Milayna off with Talomin to live with Valaria and Kiyar. Valaria never let Milayna see her brother, but she still kept a close eye on him. She hoped that one day she would be able to talk to him.

She lived a pretty normal childhood until her 14th Turn when one of the soldiers at Dragon Hold took an interested in her. She fought tooth and nail to escape, but ended up beat and raped anyhow. After that, the girl never fought, so word got around fast that she was easy. Milayna usually tried to make herself sparse around the Hold, so the men there wouldn’t find her.
Milayna loved being with children of Dragon Hold and could usually be found with them or out in the woods when someone wanted her. Unfortunately it didn’t take the men long to learn this. One in particular took a real interest in her. He wasn’t bad looking in Milayna’s opinion, but still. One night while they were in bed Milayna let slip that Talomin was her brother. Anious didn’t seem to react, but later Milayna would learn that he planned to use that against her.
In her 16th Turn Milayna discovered she pregnant. She knew it had to be Anious’ baby since he wouldn’t let anyone else near her. Although as soon as the baby was born Valaria took him away and Milayna never got to see her precious baby again. She tried to keep tabs on him, but somehow Valaria kept him hidden.

Then during her 17th Turn they kidnapped a bunch of people from the nearby Holds and Weyr. Milayna met Riana this first time when Mya asked her help. Milayna instantly liked the young green rider and hoped that she would escape. She was devastated when she learned of what Anious and Valaria had done to Riana, but there was nothing she could do. And then her beloved brother managed to escape as well.

Milayna started plotting on how she could escape as well. Then one day, Anious came to her angry and demanding that she sleep with him. The young woman was just naturally going to agree until he mentioned that he was going to teach Talomin a lesson through her. Milayna lost it then. She hit the solider in the head with a rock and ran. Planning on never looking back. Except maybe to find her baby one day.