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Thu Jan 9th, 2025 @ 1:48pm

Brown Rider T'mil

Name T'mil

Position Wingrider

Rank Brown Rider

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 23
Dragon Meinirth
Dragon Age 6
Dragon Colour Brown
Dragon Description Meinirth is a very light dusty color. He’s got dark brown from his feet up to his knees on all 4 legs that make him look like he’s wearing boots. He’s about average size for a brown. He has a dark mask around his eyes that make him look like an outlaw and a brown stripe down his spine the whole way to the tip of his tail.

Physical Appearance

Physical Description T’mil is actually very muscular. He’s kind of your pretty boy though. Sometimes he despises getting dirty. He always keeps his clothes clean and he is clean-shaven himself. T’mil can pretty much always be found in his riding leathers. He just feels more comfortable that way.He has dark brown hair that he keeps cut short, When he does let it grow longer it becomes very wavy and root beer colored eyes. He almost seems to have beagle eyes
complexion: darkly tanned much like his sister


Spouse/ Weyrmate Cathlyn
Family Only family known of was sweep rider who found them, but never learned their name
Kiyoni-19-green rider

Personality & Traits

General Overview T’mil is very easy going. Unlike his sister he doesn’t have a temper. The only time he can get angry is when someone has harmed Kiyoni. Next to his dragon his sister is the most important thing to him. T’mil loves to flirt with everyone and see what kind of reaction he can get from them. Although once he actually finds someone that he truly cares for he will be loyal and do everything he can to keep them happy. Family means everything to him and he would love to have a family of his own, something that he never had himself.
Sexuality Heterosexual


History Tiymil and his sister Kiyoni were born sometime during the cold season. They think it was October, but they’re not sure. The twins were abandoned at birth and would have died if they hadn’t been found by a sweeprider. Tiymil never learned who rescued them because the twins grew up in the crèche.

Tiymil never had any problems being a weyrbrat. He loved the dragons and was always trying to learn more about them. He did stay close to his sister though. They bounded together as they got older because they were the only thing the other had.

When he was 13 he and Kiyoni stood on the Hatching Grounds as candidates. Tiymil was passed up, but it didn’t bother him too much. They had all been told that not many candidates actually impressed on their first standing.

When he turned 16 he stood on the grounds one more time. This time his patience paid off. He Impressed brown Meinirth. Although he was shocked to get a brown, he wasn’t about to argue. He was even more excited when he saw that Kiyoni had Impressed as well. The twins helped each other through all their lessons and learned how to care for their dragons together. Like his sister, he hopes to figure out who his parents are some day.