
  • 5 Mission Posts

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Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 2:50pm


Name Analees

Position Crèche Worker


Character Information

Gender Female
Age 26
Dragon Colour

Physical Appearance

Physical Description Analees has jet black hair that just reaches her waist. She is on the slender side and stands about 5'5". Her eyes are a chocolate brown that always seem to be dancing. She's got lightly tanned skin from the warm weather. Although she's kept inside for parts of the day, so her skin's not nearly as dark as it could be.

Analees prefers to wear simply clothing. She likes dark colors, but there's always some unique pattern sewn into the clothing somewhere. She keeps her hair pulled back in a runner tail or braid most of the time to keep it out of her face, but her bangs do frame her delicate face. She's definitely feminine and has the curves to prove it. She has high cheeks and could do most men's heads at Dragon Hold, although she never really paid attention to that.


Spouse/ Weyrmate V'ros
Family Lord Holder of Telgar Anleer
mother: Lady Rainsa
Siblings:Anious-25-solider at Telgar
Hold Connections Telgar

Personality & Traits

General Overview Analees is on the quiet side for the most part, but she does have a temper when aroused. She does not like being talked down to or having anyone question everything little thing she does. She is far from the snobby type of person and will go out of her way to help someone who's being bullied, even though that doesn't always end well for her, especially when someone throws in her face that she gets what she wants because of who she is. When she's feeling down she likes to sneak out to the stables and hide in the loft where she'll sit for hours writing music and playing her pipes or gitar. Music is her escape from the cruel realities of life.
