Sr Journeyman Rena
Name Rena
Position Hold resident
Rank Sr Journeyman
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Age | 25 | |
Dragon Colour | ||
Craft | Harper |
Physical Appearance
Physical Description | Rena is 5’9 "with a slender frame. Her startling blue eyes change with her emotions. Her long brown hair falls nearly to the middle of her back. |
Spouse/ Weyrmate | Widowed | |
Pets | Green Firelizard - Cadence | |
Family | Enan- Master Harper- Father 50 Frana- Journeywoman Harper- mother 45 Brenna - Daughter Oseben - Husband (Deceased) |
Hold Connections | Far Site - Deceased Husband's family are the Lord Holders |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | She’s strong and independence, having waited years to leave Harper hall and get out on her own and explore pern. She can become withdrawn and uneasy around people if they have offended her. | |
Sexuality | Heterosexual |
History | She grew up at Harper Hall, hardly ever leaving it, but she wanted to excel at her studies and become apprentice to the master Harper. It took her nearly ten years before she was competent enough to be a senior journeywoman and be able to take assignments of her own. She did that as soon as possible and took Far site hold. |