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RCW: The Banned Ruins (2/2)

Posted on Sun Nov 24th, 2024 @ 11:30am by Gold Rider Jena & Bronze Rider K'ron

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: River Cove Weyr
Timeline: M2 D16

Jena waited minutes but when the Weyrleaders did not give her any answers she raced out of the cavern holding her soaked jacket in her hand. She needed answers to the atmosphere between him and the Weyrleaders. She did not like knowing that something was wrong between her friends. She loved how everyone was on the same side most of the time but this huge chasm was uncomfortable and it be noticeable.

“K’ron! Wait up! Shards you are too tall for chasing!” She yelled, doubling over when she finally caught up to him breathless and wet. K'ron left the meeting as soon as it was proper too. He knew he had been cold and it wasn't like him but he was still upset. The bronze rider stopped abruptly though when he heard Jena’s voice.

“Sorry Jena. Didn't realize you needed me.”

Jena looked at him surprised as she stood up catching her breath finally. “Course you did not, you were acting like a wherhead.” She stood straighter and looked up at the older man. “What is going on?” She demanded glancing back at the entrance to the cavern. “What was going on back there with you and the Weyrleaders?”

He inwardly cringed. He shouldn't have been surprised it was noticed, but he really needed to be more careful. K'ron shook his head. “Just something that was said. It’s fine,” he assured his friend.

Jena raised him an eyebrow as she looked him up and down and shook her head. “You are talking to me Bronze Rider.” She reminded him. She might have been turns younger than him but she knew the people in the Weyr and knew that something was not right at all. “I know you and I know that something is bothering you and bothering the Weyrleaders. Everyone noticed in there I am just the only one who will ask you. K’yar will ask Nerlyn and T'tarel will eventually ask you as his wingleader.”

K'ron groaned. Jena was right. It would come out even though he hadn't wanted it to. “The Weyrleaders brought up some things in regards to Nerlyn’s Weyrling days and it upset her as it was unexpected.”

Jena frowned before she turned thoughtful about how something from so many turns ago could be relevant now. “Is she okay now?” She had thought the woman was well or at least as steady as a dragonless rider could be.

The bronze rider nodded. “She's getting there. Better now as she has been spending time with Raen.” He knew he was probably still confusing Jena but he didn't know if he could actually say anything about the timing.

“But you are still annoyed at the Weyrleaders? I do not believe either of them would have opened those wounds with intention to cause any step backs or cause her harm?” She asked still not sure of the situation fully as she felt there was something missing but she was understanding his emotions in it all.

“It was the no warning part. Its taken Turns for Nerlyn to get back on track and then have that happen. I feared I was going to lose her again.” Seeing her crumple like that had nearly destroyed him. He understood why the Weyrleaders asked but not why they handled it that way.

“But you haven’t K’ron. She is very much here and looking healthy when I saw her at the docks a couple of days ago.” She could not imagine the depths of emotion or devotion between K’ron and Nerlyn after what had happened but she could see the love and affection between the pair whenever they had interacted. Even after their flights his first thoughts, once calm, had been about the former green riders reaction and interests. “How can I help?”

Jena was right. Nerlyn was looking good and for the most part she seemed to have settled from the ordeal with the Weyrleaders. K'ron shook his head. “you can't. I know I need to let go of my anger. Nerlyn is safe and they had their reasons.” He blew out a frustrated breath. “Guess I'm a bit over protective.”

“You have your reasons to be like that K’ron. Do not sell yourself short there. You went through an awful experience and you do not want to repeat it.” She reminded him thinking on the days and nights where it had been touch and go. “Well if I can help other than calling you out for being a wherhead you know where I am.” She offered her part of the friendship they had forged.

That was true enough. He still should have controlled his temper a bit better. Any thoughts of losing Nerlyn though scared him. “Yeah you might have to do that again,” he chuckled. “And thank you. I'll remember that.”

“It is not a one time offer, Wingleader. But go and get yourself calm and prepare for our outing.” She declared with a laugh as her queen interrupted her thoughts to let her know that K’vin was back as the weyr and was looking for her. Jena ducked her head in understanding before turning and disappearing back into the dining cavern. Now if she could try and convinced the Weyrleaders to give her a bigger understanding of what had happened she would be content but she had pushed enough for today.


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