Closure For Riklan
Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 2:54pm by Theeressa & Sr Journeyman Riklan
3531 AL
Location: Kymos Hold
Timeline: M2 D29
Theeressa grinned as she opened the door, expecting to see Marika and Nikolai, but stopped, her smile faltering as she saw Leisa standing in the doorway. “Leisa?” she questioned, memories flooding back as she stared at him, not having seen him since the night he kidnapped her, making her unwell.
“Hi… um… is Riklan in?” he wondered quietly, glancing back to where Emalee stood at the bottom of the garden. She offered a wave to the woman before she turned to set up the picnic. He needed to make his peace with the harm he had caused Theeressa and Riklan.
“Rik… we have a guest,” she called back into the house, not sure what else to say as she stared at the man like he was a ghost. He had written letters to her, but she had never replied, not sure what to say when she did not remember the missing time other than she could remember feeling feverish.
Riklan had been busy in the back of the house when he heard the knock. He wasn't too concerned as he knew his sister was due anytime now, but when he heard Theeressa’s voice, he knew it wasn't Marika.
“Theer? You okay…” he started as he hurried out of the room. He froze, though, at the sight. “What are you doing here?”
Theeressa turned to look at her husband hurrying through the house and then paused at the man standing there. “I wanted to apologize for what I did to you both. I know I do not deserve forgiveness, but I at least would like to say it, as my letters were never responded to, and then I lost track when you moved to Kymos from Far Site until you looked after Lenya,” Leisa said gently. He was not there to fight or cause pain, but he wanted to at least say it.
Riklan frowned a bit, not quite sure how to respond. The man had made their lives a mess, but he did know people could change too. He walked up next to his wife. “What do you think, love?”
“I forgave you a very long time ago, Leisa.” Theeressa wrapped an arm around Riklan, keeping him close, showing both Riklan and Leisa that he was the man she picked and always would. “I know you are married with two children, as your sister let slip when she visited months ago. I know you have changed and you are not the selfish deadglow that you were, but what you did was...”
“Emalee is my life, and I know now—and have for several turns—that the pain I put you through was unfair,” he said, looking at Riklan. It had taken him becoming a husband and father for him to realize just how much he had put the man through.
Riklan had to give Theeressa credit for being so willing to forgive. He did as well, but it hadn't been easy. He gently pulled her close to him. “It was very unfair to both of us, but I have forgiven you as well. Especially after talking with Lenya. I know what you have lived with too.”
“It did not give me the right to take your wife. I was jealous and thought I was a better person than I was,” Leisa said quietly, looking at the floor as a little girl appeared in the doorway where Riklan had come from.
Riklan nodded. It had not, but they could not change the past, and dwelling on it wouldn't change or help anything. “Hey, Lars,” he smiled at his daughter. “It's okay. You can come out.” Riklan didn't think Leisa would try anything.
Leisa looked at the little girl and smiled brightly. “Kasa is still asleep,” she explained as she came forward and looked up at the man, then came to hold her father’s hand as the fire lizard around her shoulders lazily stirred to look at Leisa.
“She is beautiful,” Leisa smiled softly. “You have two girls too?” he wondered, looking at the pair.
Riklan gave her hand a light squeeze. “Thanks, sweetheart. You take such good care of your sister.” He smiled at Leisa. “We did. This is Laressa, and Kasa is our other daughter.”
Laressa smiled proudly at the praise before she skipped back off, her investigation done on why her parents had suddenly disappeared. “I have Elsa and Almee.”
“Emalee looked well,” Theeressa commented, having known the woman at Dragon Hold. She had always been the nicest out of her sisters, other than the littlest.
“She is. I am relieved every day she got out when she did and we found each other. We’ve been running a… I am not even able to explain it, but we have been helping people who escaped from Dragon Hold start again. Obviously, that’s ended now, as there is no need, but it’s what made me search you out properly,” he explained quietly.
Riklan smiled a bit. He was glad that Leisa and Emalee were doing well. He didn't know how Dragon Hold hadn't messed them all up, but there were some good people from there. He chuckled as Laressa bounced off again.
“That was quite an undertaking. I’m glad you guys were able to help them,” Riklan commented. He knew there had been a few trying to help.
“That is down to you, Riklan. You showed me kindness and I threw it back in your face, but I did not forget when I got my act together.” He held out his hand to the Healer, hoping at the very least they could be civil if their paths crossed in the future. Theeressa looked at Leisa and offered a smile. She knew this man had always been there; it was a shame he had gotten so twisted and hurtful towards her.
Riklan accepted the gesture and shook Leisa’s hand. “I am glad you sorted things out.” It had been a rough road, and thankfully one that had a happy ending.
“I’ll leave you to your family and day, but if you see Emalee, please don’t be a stranger, Theeressa.” The woman nodded as she watched the man who had once meant everything—then nothing—walk away. She turned to her husband and smiled as she closed the door.
“Shells, that visit was unexpected,” she murmured, half to herself and half to him as she let it sink in.
Riklan watched Leisa disappear. “That was definitely unexpected,” he agreed.
“Are you okay?” she wondered, touching his cheeks, looking up at him, checking that the trip down memory lane had not affected him. She tried not to think of the day she had been held, as she was pretty sure something had happened between her and Leisa that she had not consented to in her drugged-up state.
The healer nodded. “I will be. Just didn't expect that kind of visit.” He looked at his wife and gently wrapped his arms around her. “I just don't like being reminded of how I nearly lost you.”
“But you did not. I got back and I am right here,” she said, pressing against him as she moved her hands from his face to around his neck. “He never held a glow to you, Rik. I have your children and your wedding band on my finger.”
He gave her a gentle smile as he kissed her. “And I am so glad you're in my life. I love you and our girls. That is just a time I don't like being reminded of.” Thankfully, it was in the past.
“Ewww… Mummy, Daddy! Aunty Marika and Uncle Niko are here. They came through the back garden.” Laressa called as she came in and then went back out, seeing them kissing. Theeressa laughed and kissed the man again as she heard the first of their guests arriving.
“One day, that memory won’t hurt so much,” she promised against his lips.
Riklan chuckled at their daughter’s response. One day, she would just ignore them. He nodded before leaning into her kiss. “I know,” he whispered.
“Good, because you are mine and I am not going anywhere, Rik. Stuck with me. I’ve bribed all the Harpers for Holds and cots all around us—no one will give you a divorce,” she assured. “It’s amazing what bubbly pies do for people.”
“Are they snogging in there?” Nikolai said loudly, as Theeressa laughed at his near-perfect copying of their daughter's disgusted tone.
“You bet we are,” Riklan answered back, grinning at his wife. “You really bribed them?”
“Are you willing to find out?” Theeressa challenged, then let him go with one final kiss. She grinned and winked as she raced out to greet their guests.
Riklan laughed. He wasn't about to leave her, so it really didn't matter. Instead, he just started after his wife.