Gather Awe
Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 2:50pm by Bronze Rider V'ros & Analees
3531 AL
Location: Kymos Hold
Timeline: M2 D29
Analees walked around the Hold in awe. She had never been to a Gather before and she didn't even know where to start. There was so much to see and so many people. She wanted to see everything but knew that was impossible. Although she would take what she could get.
V’ros grinned as he had Rosan on his shoulders as he watched his mate just walking in front, amazed by everything. If she thought a Weyr was busy, it was nothing compared to a Gather day at a big Hold. Naedeth was living his best life talking with all the dragons from all over Pern, which was a great way for him to find out gossip. “Do you think Mama is enjoying herself?” the Weyrlingmaster 2nd wondered, looking up at his son.
“I didn't realize there would be so many people,” Analees answered, turning to her family. She smiled as she saw how happy Rosan looked on his father’s shoulders. “Where does one even start?” she asked.
“Are you hungry?” Food was where he normally started, as it was easier to think when you were full in his humbled opinion. C’dan had always taught him that with Weyrling pairs, and it seemed to work in life as well.
“Food!” Rosan exclaimed.
Analees laughed at her son. “Guess Ro answered that for us,” she smiled. Of course, food sounded good to her as well.
“He is my son,” V’ros said proudly. He caught her hand up so they did not get separated. He knew that they had arranged a location to meet if they got lost, but he still did not like the idea of losing her today when this was the first big test of things since Dragon Hold was broken and destroyed. He led her to a vendor that he vaguely knew and brought up some meat rolls.
“You cannot deny that,” she agreed. Rosan was all V'ros. It was actually cute. Analees twined her fingers through his. No getting lost today.
The bronze rider passed her the wrapped-up rolls and made his way back through the crowds to the display area he had spotted. Maybe they could watch the aerial display of the Weyr properly instead of just seeing the practice.
She took the wrapped rolls and walked beside him back to the display area. It still amazed her how many people were mingling around. And they were all happy.
“Are you okay?” the rider finally asked as they found somewhere to sit down. He hauled Rosan off his shoulder, setting the boy down on the ground between them, who promptly sat down as V’ros did, stretching out his legs in front of him. It felt strange to be wearing anything other than his flight uniform. He felt too light?
Analees laughed as Rosan imitated his father perfectly. She looked over at V'ros as she unwrapped the meat rolls and passed them out. “Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?” she asked with a smile before taking a bite of the warm meat roll.
The bronze rider took the meat roll with a big grin and took a bite before he decided to reply. He wanted to check that she was okay before he settled. “I am just checking that you are not overwhelmed. I remember my first Gather, and I was four or five. I looked a little bit like you do right now.” He smiled at Rosan, who did not seem phased by any of it.
The dark-haired woman grinned. “It's just so amazing to see so many people in one spot getting along,” she admitted. She had never had a true childhood or any time where people got along. “I just love watching everyone.”
“Well, we can stay here as long as you need,” he assured, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. He loved seeing her grin that way, and the fact she looked so happy filled him with joy, more so than watching his son not able to stop watching everything.
Analees moved to snuggle against his side as Rosan still seemed quite content. “There is so much to see. And so many people.” She felt like a child again, something she had thought she lost. Her chocolate eyes danced as he brushed her hair out of her face.
“I have not seen a Gather like this in many turns. This is everything and everyone,” he admitted, thinking about the crowds and what felt like everyone on Pern being there. He smiled down at her, wrapping an arm around her quickly as she snuggled close. “But you are okay?” he asked quietly, eating the meat roll one-handed.
“Very much okay,” she assured him. Analees was very happy and loving every minute of it. It was something special and amazing in her opinion to see.
“Good.” V’ros smiled as he watched her, still just enjoying watching everything through her eyes. It was refreshing to see it, as every other time he had come alone.
Analees nibbled on her meat roll. “What is your favorite thing to do at a Gather?” She didn't know the first thing about a Gather.
Well, that was going to be an interesting one to answer with Rosan there. He had not had a family the last proper Gather he had attended. “Well… ah… you see, when I last came to Gathers, I used it… for drinking, gambling and…” He covered Rosan’s ears for a moment as he said the last favorite thing of his at a Gather. “Women… but obviously that is not going to happen, but I do enjoy the games and crafts.”
The young woman lifted a dark brow, not surprised by his words. It made sense. “No, none of that for our little guy,” she agreed. “But games and crafts could be fun.” She understood the drinking, gambling, and women a little too well.
“I did not have a family last time. And well, people are friendly to dragonmen.” He smirked a little, leaning over to kiss her forehead. “But this day is about me and you, Ana. Our family,” he promised, stroking a lock of her hair out of her face.
She nodded. “I understand completely,” she answered. “No reason to explain.” Analees grinned at him. “Oh, friendly huh? You just wait till later,” she promised.
“But I am a mated man now. Completely different Harper tale now,” he promised quietly as Rosan looked up at V’ros and leaned against him a little, making the large man look down at him.
“And me?” he asked, confused that his name had not been mentioned. V’ros laughed and grabbed him up.
“You are the most important part of this family,” V’ros assured quickly, realizing this was exactly where he wanted to be after so many turns of twisting and messing attempts up.
Analees laughed and tickled her son's stomach. “Of course you too,” she assured her son. This was a place she never expected herself to be, but she wouldn't want to be anywhere else. “What would Daddy and I do without you?”
The boy shrugged. He did not have that kind of answer, but he had wanted to check that he was included.
“I would be very lonely without you both,” V’ros commented, as he felt his bronze rumble with amusement at that.
Analees glanced at her mate, a knowing look in her eyes. She knew he hadn't been lonely, but she also knew the difference between having a bed partner and having a real relationship.
V’ros raised an eyebrow at the look from Analees before he shook his head, as even Naedeth commented on him being lonely.
}: You have never been lonely since we met. :{ the bronze commented.
***It is not the same way, Naedeth.*** V’ros commented. Yes, there had been women, but there had been no one like Analees since he had messed up so badly with Nerlyn.
She couldn't help but smile at her mate. They had both changed a lot since meeting each other. She leaned up and kissed him. “The past brought us together,” she whispered.
“Both you and Naedeth have the same opinion,” he said quietly with a grin. He was not ashamed of the past, but some of it did make him quite a bad person.
“Well then, we must be right,” she teased. She knew some of his past, and she also knew hers was not a good past either.
He did not have an argument for that, so simply smiled and nodded. His past might not have been perfect, but his present was the best thing that he had ever hoped for.