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To The Weyrleader

Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 2:47pm by Gold Rider Lana & Bronze Rider F'cone & Jr Journeyman Senabena & Bronze Rider A'ren & Bronze Rider K'ron

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: Kymos Hold
Timeline: M2 D29

Lana grinned across at the Weyrleader as he glanced up from listening to Lord Marcaono make the formal speech that opened the Gather. They had both only just made it running which meant they did not have seats together as they had been the last to arrive thanks to Lana. Several wing leaders were looking at the pair confused but did not want to make the situation worse making a scene by changing seats.

“Ladies, Lords, Crafters, Dragonriders, and cherished guests. It fills me with deep gratitude to see so many of you gathered here today under the bright Southern skies. Your presence is not just an honour—it is a testament to the resilience, courage, and determination that define us as a people of Pern. Seven months ago, we stood amidst the ashes of what should have been a day of joy and camaraderie.” Marcano glanced to the Lord and Lady Holders of Far Site and raised his glass to them in solidarity. “The way we were struck was fierce, tearing down not just our stalls, killing some of our people and of the hopes we had carried into that Gather. Yet, even in the face of such devastation, we refused to surrender. We rebuilt. Together, we worked hand in hand—dragonrider and Holder, Crafter and trader, young and old—to restore what was lost. Today, as we stand here at Kymos Hold, the scars of that day remain, but so too does the strength we found in each other. This Gather is more than a celebration. It is a renewal. It is a chance for us to trade, to learn, to share, and to dance, yes—but it is also a time to remember what binds us: our commitment to one another and to the future of Pern.” Marcano raised his glass.

“To the future of Pern,” Lana said hearing many other voices making the same toast as many others as the Lord Holder continued on for a moment making several toasts to different people before he turned to the Weyrleader. “In every Weyr, there stands a leader who carries the weight of Pern's future on their shoulders—a protector, a guide, and a symbol of strength but our Weyrleader has shown us something more after the events of our last gather and the bravery he had shown… to A’ren.” Lana grinned. She had known about the toast having been written to about it to make sure A’ren was there for it.

A'ren smiled at Lana across the area. Yes, they had nearly been late thanks to Lana but they were there and that's what mattered. Although he could see the riders confused. He'd explain later. The Weyrleader nodded as he listened to Marcona's speech. It was a good testament to everyone and how they had all pulled together when it was needed. It was truly a unified Pern.

A'ren sat up straighter in his seat though when Marcona turned to him, not wanting to seem disrespectful. His blue eyes widened as Marcona started on another speech. He sought out Lana, wondering if she had known about this. Wait, what? The Weyrleader slowly stood up. “Thank you all. It took all of us to make it through this awful time to a brighter future. I have never been prouder to be Weyrleader.”

Lana smirked a little as she raised her glass at her weyrmate and said his name. She knew A’ren would be mortified later on in private but right now Lana could not be prouder of the man. He never claimed to want to make a name for himself, to be known in the future or anything; he just wanted the best for River Cove but it had proven to be what would make him known in the future. She glanced over at the wingleaders and winked knowing the ones who had been around long enough would know exactly how A’ren was feeling especially when Lana was not standing there beside him.

A'ren still felt a bit embarrassed and very put on the spot but he couldn't have been prouder of the ones around him. It had taken all of them.

K'ron hid a slight chuckle behind his hand. Poor A'ren. It definitely wasn't in his nature to be center stage. He cheered along with everyone else though.

“…Let this day be a fresh start. Let it be a time of laughter, of mending bonds, of forging new ones. Let us walk through the stalls, cheer at the races, and marvel at the dragons’ grace. But above all, let us remember that even in the shadow of hardship, we endure. Kymos Hold stands proud today, not because of its walls, but because of the people who fill it with life from all across Pern. And so, I say to you: welcome, friends, to a Gather that belongs to all of us no matter which part of Pern we are from. May the day ahead bring you joy, wonder, and perhaps a bit of mischief—after all, what is a Gather without surprises? Let the music begin, the feasts commence, and the bonds of Pern grow ever stronger!” Marcano finished his speech to thunderous applause. Lana had to admit he wrote good speeches.

“How much trouble do you think I am in K’ron? Making him nearly late and then not warning him?” Lana wondered to the man as the speeches finished and they were allowed to mingle and she finally got to see one of her riders.

K'ron nodded to the Weyrwoman. “Oh I'm sure he'll forgive you once he gets over the shock,” the bronze rider answered. “And embarrassment. Probably better you didn't warn him.”

A'ren shook his head a little as he sat in his spot. He would find Lana in just a few moments but first, he had to get himself back under control. He still couldn't believe the speech.

Lana looped her arm through K’ron’s and smirked a little. Like she was going to let A’ren ignore the heroics he had done at the last gather and did on the regular in falls. The man amazed her with his bravery sometimes. “He deserves the praise. He is a brilliant man. Our Weyr is lucky to have him.” Lana offered her own comment as F’cone joined the group. He bowed slightly to Lana and nodded to the younger bronze rider.

“Weyrwoman. Wingleader.” He said gruffly. Lana offered a smile. She was pretty sure he was still smarting from her rejection of him earlier and the fact the praise had been heaped on A’ren.

“F’cone…Early start for us all then.” Lana murmured.

K'ron nodded. He couldn't disagree. A'ren had done a lot and he had deserved the speech even if it embarrassed him. He nodded to F'cone. “F'cone. Good to see you.” He didn't know what was going on between Lana and F'cone but he really didn't want to know.

F’cone raised an eyebrow that the man was happy to see him but said nothing as he glanced at Lana who was staring back. Was this make F’cone feel like a deadglow day or something? First Lana outright rejects his attempts as instigating something for the first time ever and now K’ron was acting like they were friends.
“And yourself. How is your mate and child?” He said politely playing the game. Lana rolled her eyes a little at the man.

K'ron was confused. What had he done wrong? He was just trying to be nice. Before he could answer though A'ren joined them.

“Finally managed to get through the crowd,” the Weyrleader smiled.

“Weyrleader.” F’cone greeted as Lana squeezed K’ron’s arm and left him to slide next to the Weyrleader, weaving her fingers through his. “The Weyrwoman was just reminding us of the early start we have all had. Yet you were nearly late.” F’cone inclined his head to Lana.

K'ron took a step to the side as Lana stepped over to A'ren.

A’ren nodded. “It was an early day,” he agreed. “Yeah, it couldn't be helped,” he answered, glancing at Lana.

“I needed help getting into this dress,” Lana said bluntly as she twirled to show off how many ties it had to shut the wingleader up. He knew the dress she was wearing intimately, and she could see it on his face that he was remembering, and it instantly shut him down.

“My apologies. You look beautiful. I should not have questioned,” he said. “Excuse me, Weyrleaders.” The man said, pushing past as Lana took a deep breath and rolled her eyes a little at the man as she returned her hand to A’ren’s.

A'ren was a bit confused why F'cone was being so nasty. Sure, the other bronze rider wasn't always the nicest, but it had been getting better. Or so he had thought. “Did I miss something?” A'ren asked as K'ron bid his farewells to find Nerlyn, Raen, and R'kig.

Lana smiled at K’ron escaping and leaving them alone. Lana could have mentioned her office before dawn that morning, but that would have led to her having to talk about seducing him and how it had made them nearly late. She was not prepared to confront those emotions yet. “Not really,” Lana said softly. “He is just not enjoying being reminded of what he lost.” Lana smiled, caressing his cheek, ignoring all the dignitaries around them for a moment. It was just them.

A'ren didn't push it. He had had his run-ins with F'cone, and today he wanted to enjoy. It was a great day and one that they should all be able to enjoy. “I'm not asking anymore,” he promised. “But I would like to know if you knew about that little speech?”

“Was not exactly little now, was it?” The woman commented before laughing. “I had knowledge and was asked to make sure you were in a certain seat, but I got distracted this morning.” Lana admitted, pulling her hand back. “But everything and more after the last couple of turns. You saved so many people last turn at Far Site. The Lord Holders wanted to recognize that and the fact they are sorry that they did not see how dangerous Sophida and Talamar were beforehand.”

“No, it was not little,” he agreed. “It was very moving and something that I never expected.” He chuckled. “Think we both got distracted this morning.” It had been a very nice morning, though.

Lana smirked. She was not at all embarrassed by her behavior this morning; she was pretty proud of it, to be fair. She did not often do things like that, but she had been worked up by F’cone, and there was no way by the first egg was she going to turn to him now. “If you are expecting an apology, A’ren, you will not get any from me. I am proud.” She challenged, sticking her chin up in a rebellious manner.

A'ren laughed. “Did I say I was asking for an apology?” He had enjoyed the morning. It had been a while since Lana had done something like that. “No, the part that embarrassed me was the speech,” he explained.

“Not apologetic for that either. You did something amazing last year, and I know that cost you a lot in stopping them all.” Lana leaned forward and lay her head against his shoulder for a moment before there was a polite cough from behind them, making Lana pull back and turn to see Lord Marcano standing there patiently.

He had only been doing his duty. Plus, he wasn't going to let ones be hurt if he could help it. The Weyrleader looked over Lana’s shoulder at the soft cough. “Lord Marcano,” he smiled. “That was a wonderful speech.”

Lana turned and curtsied a little at him as the man bowed formally. “Weyrwoman Lana. Weyrleader A’ren. You honor me with your presence here. It was well written and well received, I believe.” Marcano was thankful it had been received well and not over the top as he had feared.

“Definitely lots of applause and agreement,” A'ren answered. The Lord Holder had done his Hold proud. “I am glad we were all able to make it to this wonderful day.”

“As am I,” Marcano assured. He had been planning for months, knowing that despite the former Lord Holder’s daughter causing the problems, he wanted Kymos to be the fresh start. “I would like to take you to Far Site’s Lord and Lady Holder if you are agreeable?” He gestured to the Weyrwoman and offered his arm. Lana left A’ren’s side to walk with the Lord Holder. Lana glanced at A’ren.

A'ren inclined his head. “Of course, we are agreeable,” he answered, smiling at his mate. There was absolutely no reason not to go see the Lord and Lady Holder of Far Site. He did wonder how they were holding up after everything.

Marcano nodded and quietly led the pair to one of the inner rooms where he had left the pair after breakfast with their family. Lana smiled softly as she entered the room first and then glanced back at A’ren following her. “Lord and Lady Holder,” Lana said politely as Marcano let go of Lana’s arm to let her do as she wished.

A'ren inclined his head to the Lord Holders. “Lord Oben, Lady Sena.”

Sena smiled as she stood next to her husband. “It is a pleasure, Weyrleader, Weyrwoman.”

Lana smiled as Lord Oben moved to his feet and held out his hand to A’ren. “We are in your debt, Weyrleader.” He repeated the words that he had said to him the last time they had met after that horrible night.

A'ren shook Oben's offered hand. “You are not. I only did what any person would have. I am just glad I was able to be there.” He did wish he could have saved more, but he was not going to say that now.

“Many did not help, but yourself and your riders did at great cost,” Oben said. He did not show emotion much at the night—even now, many months on, he tried to be stoic over it for the people around him, other than when Sena was around. But this man knew he had suffered the same losses over the turn.

A'ren knew what Oben meant. Unfortunately, he was right in the fact that many did not help. As riders, though, they couldn't sit by and do nothing. “I am just sorry we couldn't do more.”

Sena squeezed her husband's arm. She knew how hard this was for him even now.

Oben glanced at his wife and smiled. “You did enough in saving my daughter-in-law and her unborn child. We owe you a debt,” the Lord Holder said simply. “And I hope the Weyrwoman will save me a dance when she looks so lovely later for the ball.” Lana had stayed quiet, leaving it to both men.

“Of course, Lord Oben. It will be my pleasure after my Weyrleader gets the first dance,” Lana assured quietly, wondering how the woman and her baby were getting on.

There were times A'ren didn't feel that way. He was glad that Rena was safe, but he hadn't been able to reach Oseben in time. “How is Lady Rena doing?” he asked, having not seen the young lady in a while.

“Good days and bad days, much like us all.” It was a deep scar in Far Site, much like the Weyr had suffered over the turns.

“The babe is thriving?” Lana asked. She might have been Weyrwoman for close to ten turns now, but she was still a midwife healer at heart.

Sena nodded. “Both mother and baby are doing well in that respect,” she answered. It was everything else that was a mess.

Lana could hear the undertone of the answer. It would not be easy for a woman with a baby due and husbandless. She did not envy Lady Rena at all. “We are glad to hear,” Lana assured as she heard trumpets outside announcing the beginning of some type of event. “We should join the festivities,” Lana suggested.

A'ren nodded. “Lana is correct. Would you both like to accompany us?”

“We have the runner events to prepare for, but we will join you later,” Oben said thoughtfully. Lana smiled up at A’ren and took his arm as she adjusted the skirts of her dress. They could catch up more later on.


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