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RCW: Wanting To Move Forward

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 8:02pm by Gold Rider Lana & Brown Rider K’yar

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: River Cove Weyr
Timeline: M2 D1

Lana smiled as she looked around the cavern and just felt a moment of peace despite the noise and heat she felt completely for the first time in ages at peace despite the hangover she felt from the celebration of Jena’s flight the previous night. It all just felt normal. The Weyr had suffered so much for the last couple of turns and it was just nice to have a moment of calm from it all knowing that M’nor was dead and Dragon Hold had quite literally been burnt to the ground with dragon fire by the riders. It had not been the intention to destroy the place but the south had been left with no choice after Dragon Hold had attempted to attack a gather, killing several holders and crafter. Lana could still still the scene sometimes when she closed her eyes but the council vote had been unanimous and swift.

K’yar was on his way to the dining cavern for klah when he caught sight of Lana. “Hello, Weyrwoman,” he smiled.

They had definitely all been through a lot. He still had nightmares at times and his life still felt like it was in shambles but he was getting there. Little Kiyna was growing quickly and the Weyr seemed happy once again.

Lana jumped at the sudden interruption to her thoughts and turned to see the brown rider and the fact she was blocking his way in. “Good morning K’yar.” She greeted back, stepping to the side with an apologetic smile at blocking his way. “I have no idea where you are going to sit but I am sure someone will make room.”

K'yar chuckled huskily. He had never gotten his full voice back but at least he could still talk. “No worries. I can always stand or head back to my weyr,” he assured her. Sitting wasn't a problem. “How are you?”

Lana looked around again and just smiled at the site again. It warmed her more than anything else just seeing her people together and happy. It was how a weyr thrived and prospered. “I am well. How are you? Lenya? Kiyna?” It was at least a positive sign to her that the woman was still in the Weyr but it never hurt to check in properly.

“Kiy is growing like a weed. Can't believe how fast she is growing up,” he answered, clearly a proud father. “Lenya seems to be doing well. Getting things back on track I think.” At least he hoped. They still had a ways to go but they could at least talk now without arguing. “I am doing well. Can't complain,” he grinned.

Lana inclined her head and looked at him. He sounded happier than she had seen him in the last turn or so, so that was positive in her opinion but the scars would never heal she felt thanks to his voice. “Children already grow like a weed. My daughter is the same. I cannot believe she is nearly five turns old. She gives me and her foster mother constant feels of nostalgia of how tiny she used to be.” Lana smiled fondly thinking of Ariana and her foster mother. The woman was just as important to Ariana and Lana. They worked as a team to make sure the girl grew up. “You think?” She wondered pausing for a moment as a group of riders passed offering nods and bows to the Weyrwoman as they passed.

It still bothered him when he used his voice too much and it grew raspy but he was grateful the cut had even healed. And thankfully all three were safe and Kiyna wasn't any worse for the way she came into the world. “Wow. 5 already? Time sure does fly.” Just where had the time gone? He shrugged a shoulder. “Still a bit touch and go but she is at least smiling again.”

Lana’s smile faded into a worried expression as she put a hand on his arm. “K’yar I promise they are all gone. Either in the mines or dead. The place is burnt to the ground. She knows that right?” Lana wondered hating that he had said it was touch and go still.

K'yar nodded slightly. “She does. I think it is just still hard to put it all behind you. I know I still have nightmares,” he admitted. And he honestly didn't know what happened to his parents so that still worried him. “We're both getting there,” he promised. “Kiyna helps each day.”

Lana nodded, she could understand the nightmares as she had them often herself. She hated hearing that they were still struggling though as they deserved to move forward.”How can me and the Weyrleader help?” Lana asked as she indicated they should go inside more as there was space at tables now.

The brown rider shook his head as he followed Lana inside more to the tables. “We are okay. Think it will just take time to truly believe we are safe again,” he said softly. “still don't know where my parents are which is a bit scary.”

Lana sighed sadly in his direction. “What about taking her to the site?” She wondered over her shoulder as she started to look at the food on offer. It was limited being so late for breakfast but there would be enough to keep her happy till lunchtime.

He considered her words before nodding. “Might be worth a try,” he agreed. He would have to talk to Lenya and see if she would go. “Thanks for that suggestion. I was running out of ideas.” K'yar didn't mind the smaller selection. Klah was his main goal.

“A’ren or F’cone would come with you.” She offered knowing either man would happily go with K’yar to show Lenya that the place had gone up in smoke. “It helped Terliyn from what I understand.” Lana had not gone herself as just knowing it was gone and having seen A’ren and the other Weyrleaders come back satisfied had been enough for her.

K'yar nodded. “I'll have to talk to them. And also Len and see how she feels. That's good to know it helped Terilyn.” At least he would have something to use to convince Lenya. And hopefully, this would be what she needed to get back to normal. So much had happened.

“Please do.” Lana squeezed his arm. “But let me know if you need anything else around it all. I want to help but for now I will help us both by letting us eat breakfast. Good day brown rider.” Lana inclined her head and moved away to grab her tray and plates before she was lost too much in conversation and dredged up anything else for either of them.


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