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RCW: Early Morning Thoughts

Posted on Fri Oct 11th, 2024 @ 2:56pm by Bronze Rider V'ros & Analees

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: River Cove Weyr
Timeline: MD 2 D5

Things still seemed so surreal. Was Dragon Hold really gone? Were they all actually safe? Analees shook her head a bit. It was hard to take in. Sure she knew it was true but that had been her life for 22 Turns. Now it was V'ros and Rosan. And flights.. oh she couldn't forget those. Oh no, they could make a relationship quite interesting.

Analees sighed softly as she sat on the ledge to the weyr. So much had happened recently in such a short time.

The weyrlingmaster second out of the bathing chamber frantically drying his hair to give himself some semblance of looking put together as he noticed the woman sat on the ledge. “What are you doing out there?” He wondered quietly having thought she would still be asleep pre-dawn. He was up so early as he was running early morning duties with the Weyrlings but he had thought he had been quiet to not wake anymore. His dragon opened his eyes as much to say it was not me that woke her.

She looked over her shoulder with a smile for her mate. Rosan was still sleeping so they didn't need to worry about him for the moment. “Morning handsome. Just enjoying the sunrise,” she answered. Of course, Analees had other things on her mind but nothing important.

“I have never known you to just enjoy the sunrise?” He questioned stepping out into the space to look at her properly. “What is on your mind? You look thoughtful.” He asked bluntly knowing the woman appreciated him getting straight to the point. It was why he was a weyrlingmaster along with the fact that Naedeth was both nurturing and stern.

Analees rolled her eyes with a laugh. “Guess I can't fool you,” she answered, turning to face him better. “I was just thinking about everything that has happened recently,” she admitted. “I still can't believe Dragon Hold is gone.”

The man nodded. It was understandable that she felt like that when it still felt like it would never end. It had been 3 turns of terror that people could be taken from them without warning. It had been terrifying to him but he knew now at least it was over. The weyrlings had been taken to the site to show them what could happen if people had dragons and did not know what to do with them properly. “How can I help you believe it?” He wondered grabbing up a shirt and pulled it on against the early morning chill.

She shook her head. “Don’t think there is much you can do,” she admitted. She still shivered when she thought about it. She could have lost Rosan if Terilyn hadn't been there. “It's just the only place I've known for so long. And I've always had to watch my back. It just feels odd.” Analees pulled her blanket around her shoulders better. She really shouldn't be complaining.

It made sense to him now that he thought about it when someone lived in a pressured environment for so long it became second nature and when that pressure stopped it left that person with a void. “It will do but we can find something new for you to focus on.” He wondered thoughtfully thinking back to her wanting to find something to do with her time.

Analees knew it was stupid. She should be grateful to not have that worry any longer. Although she did wonder about her brother too. “Like what?” She asked curiously. She was certainly willing to try anything.

“I do not know. What do you fancy?” She had been in the Weyr long enough to know the trades and crafts so the world was open to her. “Anyone would be happy to have you apprenticing under them if that is what you wanted to do.”

The young woman thought for a minute. “Hmm, I had honestly never considered it. I will truly have to think about it.” She hadn’t ever really figured she would be safe so she didn't plan ahead. That was too dangerous to hope.

V’ros smiled at the expression on her face. It was nice to see the world had been opened up to her on her face. “Well, you can consider it now Ana. You have every opportunity to do anything you want to do. Find a passion if you want.” He said brightly. He wanted her to be happy and fulfilled.

The dark-haired woman nodded a bit. Everything was so new and slightly scary. But she had V'ros and her son. “I'm just glad that Rosan won't have to live the way I did,” she said softly. “And if we ever have a girl she can be happy.”

“They won’t and you get to thrive without that worry.” He said smiling as he just watched her. He was trying to work out what she needed right then and there. “I wish I could have protected you more from the beginning.” He sighed thinking of the time she had come to him bruised and battered for the first time. V’ros wished that he could have changed a lot of things for her but he knew that was impossible. “You are so strong for surviving all of that and not allowing it to make you cold.”

Analees smiled, her chocolate eyes shining. “You were there when I needed you,” she pointed out. “And you didn't push me away even after you knew where I came from.” She blew out a breath. “As much as I hate to say it, I think Anious did help protect me in his own twisted way,” she admitted. Delik and Ziva had proven she couldn't protect herself as well as she had thought. “But I'm glad I met you that first day despite the circumstances.”

“I think he did try. He just did not have great examples or know what to do with it all.” V’ros agreed quietly. “I thank the first egg often for you coming into my life and making me see things differently.” He had been on a dark path of destruction until he had met her.

She nodded. That was true enough. Neither of them had very good examples. “I'd hate to think where I would be if not for you.” Analees pushed to her feet and walked over to hug her mate. “Differently huh? Hopefully in a good way.”

“It is in a good way.” He assured as she came over and he bent her own arms around her. He leant his head against hers and just savored the moment before he carried on speaking. “I was not a good man when you met me. I am most likely not a good man now, but you make me want to be good man for you and our son, which is more than anyone else has ever encouraged in me.” He did not want to think on where him and Kirala or Nerlyn could have ended up if Analees had not come into his life.

Analees snuggled against his chest, glad that Rosan was still sleeping. “I don't know if I believe that,” she said gently. She couldn't see V'ros being bad. Especially with how he had been with her from the beginning and how much he doted on Rosan.

“I was pretty destructive in my relationships.” He reminded gently. She had never judged him even knowing what he had been like before he had met her. “But I am trying here.” He assured snuggling close to her for a moment before he sighed loudly stepping back looking down at her sadly. “I am having to have to go I have early lessons with Weyrlings.” He admitted knowing she knew that but he needed to remind her and himself.

She nodded. He had told her about what he had done but it was still hard to believe. He had always been a gentleman with her. “And you are doing just fine,” she assured him, kissing his cheek. Analees nodded a bit. “I know you do. Take care of those weyrlings.”

“I am trying. Some of them are making it very hard.” He breathed pressing a kiss to her as he moved to where he kept the rest of his flight clothes and tugged them on hating that he was having to leave after that conversation but he had to meet C’dan and Kirala.”I will see you tonight we can talk more about the future if you want.”

She chuckled a bit. “Gotta love kids. They are just testing you,” she teased, stepping back into the weyr. Analees nodded. “I'd like that.” She knew they still needed to talk.

V’ros nodded and watched her for a moment before he moved to the bronze and climbed up the straps in his hand for later. One small drop to the weyrbowl would be fine without them, they had done it so many times. “Later.” He assured as Naedeth blinked up at V’ros unspoken communication happened between the pair before the great bronze stretched out his wings and the pair disappeared into the early morning.


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