
Tired Leaders

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 2:29pm by Gold Rider Lana & Bronze Rider A'ren

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: River Cove Weyr
Timeline: MD 2 D5

Lana stretched out on her office couch trying to work out whether she wanted to go back to sleep or not before curling up more under the warm furs. She was tired from re-organizing the wings the previous night, it had taken a lot longer than she thought possible and it had been early morning before they had realised it. The Weyrwoman had risen early to try and get a start on things but now mid-afternoon she had regretted it. The woman couldn’t remember this much reorganizing after a gold flight before knowing a new clutch was going to be happening soon.

}: The Weyrleader is looking for you:{ Kalaith announced a moment before her Office door was tapped on and opened without waiting for an answer. Lana slowly uncurled herself from the furs and sat up. She wore half her flight gear minus boots and her jacket with her hair wild and loose.

*** I can see dear ***

A'ren hadn’t seen Lana in a bit. They had been busy with hidework and then after grabbing them both klah in the early candlemarks he had lost track of her. Now though he carried a tray of food and headed for her office as she had never come back to the weyr.

“Lana?” He asked, pushing the door open. He shook his head when he saw how disheveled she looked. “Did you stay here all night?”

”Hello Weyrleader,” she greeted formally, still trying to wake up a little more as she glanced down at how disheveled she looked compared to her normally put-together self. Lana looked around and moved the finalized plans off the table for him to put the tray down on. “Yes. I quite possibly did but I have cracked the reorganisation.” She explained hastily wanting him to know she had been there and nowhere else.

He carefully set the tray down on the cleared spot before looking at her plans. They were good. A'ren nodded. “You definitely figured it out,” he agreed. “Very impressive. But now you need to eat.”

Lana could not see any point in arguing as she turned to scoop up the furs and put them in the box she kept them in for moments where she slept in her office. She took the plans from him and put them on her desk.

“No one needs any more sleepless nights in the council chamber.” Lana smiled at the praise before sitting down heavily to look at what he had brought her.

A'ren really hadn't been surprised to find her in her office. They had both spent countless nights working like that only to fall asleep on the couch. It usually caught them the next day though.

“No none of us can handle many more of those.” Refiguring the wing charts hadn't been easy. “Definite bed tonight,” he teasingly scolded her. “Once we make it through the day,” he added, picking up a meat roll.

Lana nodded. Her back and side were telling her that she regretted not going to bed when she had the chance but there was not exactly much she could do about it now. “I do believe Weyrleader that I might have to have an early night,” Lana admitted picking up her own meat roll and taking a bite.

The Weyrleader smiled in sympathy. He knew how it felt to sleep on the couch. You always end up regretting it in the end. He nodded. “Can understand that.”

Lana smiled and touched his arm. “Are you considering joining me?” She wondered quietly as she finished the meat roll and started to untie the braid her hair was falling out from sleeping. She was tempted to cut it short again but she had hated it when it had been in between short and long so was reluctant to do it again.

He flashed her a smile. “I think I will do just that, Weyrwoman.” It felt like they had both been working around the clock. How either were still standing was anyone's guess. “You look cute all rumpled,” he grinned.

The woman smirked as he flirted back and the grin that spread across his features. “Very formal Weyrleader.” She laughed as she undone the brain and shook it out. “Cute? Not been cute in many turns.” She admitted thoughtfully.

He actually laughed a bit. The longer he was with Lana the more he started to loosen up. Not to mention Ariana kept them straight. “Oh I don't know. I still think cute fits right now,” he teased.

Lana narrowed her eyes just a little at him before rolling her eyes. “I want to be irresistible or beautiful but all I get is cute.” She sighed teasing him still. “But at least the man comes in search of me and brings me food. I think I can cope with being cute.” The last word came out in a grumpy voice.

“Well, how bout irresistibly cute?” He offered with another smile, his blue eyes dancing. “Always. I'll always come after you,” he promised. That was just a given.

Lana noticed the tone and smiled sadly leaning out to touch his hand. “I appreciate that A’ren. Sometimes I need you to drag me back to Pern even if I am just cute.” She said quietly letting the moment between them descend into silence as she caressed the back of his hand.

“Anytime, love,” he promised. He knew no matter what he would always love her. “I need you to do the same for me.” A’ren squeezed her hand. “You are most definitely beautiful. “

She winced a little at the comment that she needed to do the same and nodded, that was a fair comment that sometimes she did not give him the same kindness. He had always been steady and gentle with her when she was like the red star sometimes, temperamental and difficult. “I am trying.” She promised back leaning over to kiss his cheek softly smiling at the back he had not shaved that morning.

The Weyrleader nodded. Their personalities fit well together. Sometimes he needed her to kick him to get going and just loosen up a little. “I know you are,” he whispered, smiling. “Am I fuzzy again?” He asked thinking of Ariana's words.

“I do not mind. Your body. Your choices.” She reminded him sitting back properly to eat a few more mouthfuls of some more meat rolls. Their daughter was just picky in regard to her preferences being more of a daddy’s girl. Lana picked up the mug and
took a sip of the klah and smiled at how perfect it was. “You went to the effort of adding sugar. Thank you.”

A'ren chuckled a bit. “No beard.” He did not want a beard again. It hadn't felt right and he hadn't felt like himself. He nodded. “Of course. I'm glad I got it the way you like.” he has taken extra special care to get it just right.

She smiled at his words and glanced at him. She did not deserve his kindness when she had been so spiteful to him at the end of the year, challenging him as Weyrleader and testing his patience for her. “I did not mind the beard.” The woman assured. It was not her place to comment one way or another as he never commented on her appearance other than to tell her she was beautiful.

“Ari would have a fit,” he chuckled. Their daughter definitely had a mind of her own. He took another bite of his meat roll, just enjoying being able to sit down for a few moments.

Ariana certainly did rule her father, sometimes Lana conceded with a smile. “As long as you are happy,” Lana stated simply as she stood stretching out her back with a wince at the way something clicked when she stretched. She was certainly feeling like she had done eight hours of fall less than 48 hours ago today.

“I am,” he assured her. “The beard was too scratchy.” He might leave the unshaven look for a little bit though. He cringed when he heard the slight pop. “Yeah definitely early to bed tonight.”

Lana winced at the sound herself and did not miss the cringe on his face. “I am okay dear Weyrleader.” She assured shaking herself as she sat back down to pull on her boots as she heard Kalaith decide that she was hungry much like Lana still was.

“If you say so. Still early to bed,” he commented. They could both use a long night's sleep. That was if everything cooperated to let them.

Lana nodded. “I will try but Kalaith has declared that she is starving and cannot possibly wait a moment longer,” Lana revealed as to why she was putting on her boots and gathering herself together a little. She leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Do not wait up if you get there first.” She pleaded.

A'ren frowned. Well, that would explain the quick getting up. “I'm not promising anything,” he answered. He already figured he would wait for her just in case.

Lana narrowed her eyes but shook her head. The man was impossible but she could not blame him, time together was limited especially when Lana fell asleep in her office or with how bust they had been recently. “Okay… but I am taking several of these and this.” She picked up the big mug of Klah and several of the meat rolls balancing them awkwardly as she sorted herself out.

the Weyrleader chuckled. “By all means. Can't have you starving.” At least that way he knew she was getting food. Now if they could just get rest.


