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Hello, Ni’hau

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 8:21am by Gold Rider Lana & Bronze Rider A'ren & Bronze Rider Ni’hau

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: River Cove Weyr
Timeline: M2 D15

Somewhere far above River Cove Weyr, a single dragon winked in from between, the rider little more than a spec on his back. Slowly, the two made a lazy spiral towards the ground. Once they arrived, The rider dismounted and immediately shucked his riding jacket.

“Wow,” he said aloud. “It’s warm here.”

}:I know,:{ replied the dragon, sounding absolutely thrilled. }:It’s beautiful.:{

The riders eyebrows shot up. “That’s high praise coming from you, Zaji,” he said.

The dragon grumbled.

”All right, all right,” laughed the rider. “Zaijianth. Tell the Weyrleader’s dragon I’m here? What was it again? Zarminth? Zaraminth?”

}:Zarminath,:{ replied Zaijianth stoically. Then, to the other dragon, he said, }:Please inform yours that Ni’hau has arrived from Fort and is ready to report in.:{

Zarminath had been enjoying the sun on his wings and back when he had heard the watch dragon's bugle of greeting followed by a call from the new dragon who had just landed. The bronze snorted softly. ): Welcome to River Cove. Mine will be down shortly.:( He then craned his neck toward his weyr. ): A'ren mine. Zainjanth and his are here from Fort. They wait in the Bowl.:(

A'ren looked up from his hidework, rubbing his eyes a bit. He needed to stop staring at the pages for a bit anyhow. **I'm on my way, Zar.**He left his hidework on the desk before making his way toward the Bowl. The new pair wasn't hard to spot. "Hello," he called friendly.

Ni’hau lifted a hand in greeting. “Good morning, Weyrleader,” he called the approaching man. “Ni,hau, rider of bronze Zaijianth transferring from Fort. I’ve got my orders here,” he added, patting the messenger bag strapped around his dragon’s neck. The dragon huffed. “Don’t mind him; he’s stuffy.” He added, teasing his dragon.

}:I am not stuffy!:{ Zaijianth argued stuffily.

Ni’hau only grinned as he produced his transfer orders- a small hide which contained his and his dragon’s names along with the consent of his former Weyrleader for him to leave them. “That should be in order,” he finished, handing it over.

A'ren laughed a bit. "Oh I get that," he grinned, receiving a grumble from his bronze. "I'm A'ren and that lazy lump up there is Zarminath." He accepted the hide work that Ni'hau handed to him. He glanced through it quickly. "All looks in order. Welcome to River Cove."

Whilst the Weyrwoman was not needed for this Lana could not help but step into the bowl as she needed to pass them to get back to weyr. Lana was dressed in shorts and a vest top and carrying her flight uniform that was soaked through barefooted. “At least something is in order.” She noted likely making her presence known to the pair.

A'ren turned when he heard Lana's voice, shaking his head slightly. "And that would be our Weyrwoman, Lana. Are you okay, Lana? You look a bit damp."

“Well met, Weyrwoman,” Ni’hau greeted the Gold rider respectfully.

}: New bronze dragon:{ Kalaith interrupted her rider not at all ashamed that she was the reason that Lana was soaked.

"Bronze Rider." Lana greeted back seeing the knots and hearing Kalaith trying to assist her in working out who the new rider was. "Kalaith decided that the dolphin tickling her was too much and dumped me in the port," Lana explained daring both men with a look to smile or smirk.

A'ren quickly smothered a laugh. He knew if he laughed it wouldn't go well for him later on. Either Lana would get him back or Zarminath would.

"You'll have to forgive our dragons. They enjoy seeing how much that can tease us" the Weyrleader smiled.

“It’s the exact opposite with us,” said Ni’hau with a grin. “I’m the one doing the teasing, right, Zaji?”

Zaijianth huffed, eyes whirling a bit yellow. }:That’s not funny,:{ he told his rider.

“He hates nicknames,” Ni’hau said, poorly suppressing a laugh.

Lana glared at both men before she relaxed a little and shook a little of her flight gear out a little. “Some dragons do despite shortening some of our names.” Lana shrugged a little. “So Ni’hau…” She started turning the hide a little to look at the name. “… what brings you south?”

“Adventure,” replied Ni’hau. “And just a different experience. I hear things are a bit different here than in the north. The Weyrs have always been progressive, but the Holds have more influence than we’d like to admit. Me and Zaijianth decided it was a good time to expand our horizons. Well, okay, I decided and Zaijianth grumbled about it, but eventually agreed. We're an odd pair,” he added with a slight chuckle.

A'ren held the hide to where Lana could see. He knew he was in trouble later, but he couldn't help it. "Well, then you both will fit in perfectly. We have all different kinds here," he assured. Some fresh blood would be much appreciated.

“Good to know,” replied Ni’hau with another grin- or was it the same one from before since he had never really stopped? He could get along with almost anyone, so he didn’t doubt that one bit.

"Expanding horizons is important." Lana agreed. She had expanded her horizons and ended up in the Weyr so she could relate just a little to that. Adventure was not something she yearned for at all after the last couple of turns but she would never take that away from anyone else especially if they had come from the North. She had met several of the Northern Weyrleaders and it made her appreciate A'ren and even F'cone in a smaller dose more.

Expanding horizons could be good. It was how a lot of them had ended up riders in the first place. And after the last couple of Turns it would be good to see a new take on things. "Well, why don't you come on up to my office? We can get a weyr and that way you and your bronze can get settled in."

"Then excuse me Bronze Rider, Weyrleader I need to dry off," Lana explained shaking the items she was carrying again as she shifted past them both. She did not need to be involved in any of that unless A'ren wanted her there but either way, she needed to dry off just a little.

Ni’hau gave the Weyrwoman a nod of respect and then gestured for the Weyrleader to lead the way. “Ready when you are,” he said.

A'ren nodded at his mate. "I'll find you in a little bit, Weyrwoman. Get dried off." He then turned to Ni'hau. "Right this way then."


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