
RCW: This Used To Be Easier

Posted on Tue Oct 15th, 2024 @ 7:17am by Bronze Rider F'cone & Dolphineer Nerlyn & Milayna

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: River Cove Weyr
Timeline: M1 D30

F’cone stretched out on the pier and watched the dolphins going through training motions at the end. He had hoped to grab Nerlyn to catch up but he had not been able to find her for several days and wanted to check she was okay after the Queen’s flight but without a dragon to have a conversation and locate her it was by chance he found her. He did not dare ask K’ron since he had challenged the man last turn, they were cordial in regards to Wingleaders and Weyrleadership but he did not want to challenge him in regards to Nerlyn.

He turned frowning but it soon turned into a smile as he saw his weyrmate and children heading towards him. He rose to his feet and headed towards them intrigued as to why they were tracking him down.

Mian skipped happily beside his mother, Falayna not nearly as fast. The girl was growing but her brother definitely had her beat in height and speed. Milayna laughed though as she watched her children. They were both safe and she would never have to worry about losing them.

“Daddy!” Falayna cried when she saw F'cone and took off running.

The man smiled as the girl started running and he jogged to catch her up before she tripped and fell into the sea. He knew she could swim but he did not fancy having to explain to the pier master or Dolphineers why she fell. “Good afternoon.” He declared as he scooped the girl up and carried on to join Mian and Milayna.

Falayna giggled and snuggled against her father after he scooped her up. Mian grinned at his father. The boy was growing quickly and was about as mischievous as one could be.

“Afternoon,” Milayna answered, keeping a close eye on Mian to make sure he didn't dart into the water when he saw a dolphin or something else.

He smiled looking at the woman watching their son for he too knew why she moved closer to the boy. “What brings everyone to seek me out or is this a happy convenience?” He wondered looking between the three to work out what was going on.

“See daddy,” Falayna answered matter of factly.

Mian glared at his mother as he had wanted to go see the dolphins. “I wanted to see the dolphins,” he added.

Milayna shook her head with a chuckle. “ever tried keeping these two in one spot when they wanna go?” She grinned. “Honestly I didn't know if you'd be here or not but at least I knew the dolphins would be.”

“I was trying to track Nerlyn down.” He said darkly shifting uneasily on his feet as he shared a look with his mate. She knew his thoughts and worries so it would be no surprise. “So maybe we can see if We can find where she is together.” He offered. “We can go for a walk along the pier and along the dock?” He wondered thinking it would be nice to go together and if he found Nerlyn there could be no accusations of him being meddling.

Milayna cringed a bit. That wasn't good. Poor Nerlyn. She nodded. “That would be nice.”

“Think I can see her dolphin?” Mian asked excitedly. The boy loved all animals. Falayna on the other hand was very loyal to her father's bronze.

“If we can find her I am sure she will show him off.” F’cone said hopeful that they could complete first part of the plan in finding the woman. “Keep hold of your sister please.” He instructed putting the girl down to take Milayna’s hand. He let the pair wander a little in front before he turned to the woman owing her an explanation. “I am just wanting to check she is okay after the queen’s flight. K’ron won and I worry about her.” He knew it was not his place but she was his friend despite everything.

Mian grinned happily. He then nodded, taking hold of Falayna’s tiny hand. The girl stayed right next to her big brother.

Milayna let F'cone take her hand, twining Her fingers through his. “Oh no. I mean that is great for K'ron and i'm sure Tyreth will be a good sire, but poor Nerlyn.” She couldn't imagine what the older woman must be feeling.

“So I am just checking.” He assured knowing she saw the good in him despite his dark side wanting to burst out sometimes. This was one of those times that he was trying to behave and be a good friend. He squeezed her hand as they walked enjoying the sunshine for a few minutes before Mian let out a cry as he saw a familiar figure climbing up a ladder close to the Dolphin bell.

Milayna nodded. It made sense. She had heard about Nerlyn losing her green and from talking to the riders she knew that could drive a person crazy. It was no wonder F'cone wanted to check on her. She smiled as Mian squealed. “Looks like you found her.”

Nerlyn looked over as 2 very excited children came towards her. She smiled crouching as she realized they were F’cone’s children - Mian and Falayna. She put a hand over her eyes to see in the sunshine as the adults came towards her. She rose to her feet offering a wave to them. “Hello everyone.” She stepped back to shake off a little water from her swimsuit. “Nice day for a walk.”

“Hi!” Falayna said, but Mian was watching the water. “Look at the dolphins,” he breathed.

Milayna returned the wave as the children seemed enthralled by everything around them. “It is a very pretty day,” she agreed. “And it's very pretty down here.”

Nerlyn turned to the boy noticing his gaze and grinned. It was the same look her son gave the ocean too, she knelt by him and let out a whistle and a dolphin appeared from below the surface responding to it. “Oceania. He is my partner.” Nerlyn explained to the boy watching as F’cone stayed very silent watching her. “It is a great place to work in the hot weather not so much on night shift. Very creepy when the bell toils.”

“How are you doing?” F’cone asked finally making Nerlyn smile.

“I am good. Are you okay? Both of you?” She asked back raising an eyebrow.

Mian moved close to Nerlyn, his eyes wide as he watched Oceania. “He's pretty. Ooh no I don't like the dark, but I like swimming.”

Falayna smiled at the Dolphin but she still wasn't as impressed with him as her brother was. Dragons were her thing.

Milayna glanced up at F'cone before smiling at Nerlyn. “We're doing good. The kids wanted to come out for a walk and Mian has a thing about the dolphins right now.”

Nerlyn looked at F’cone carefully as Milayna spoke rather than him. Had he dragged his whole family out to come looking for her? “Well, that is positive. I just got back from a sevenday ship watch yesterday so I am tired but I am good. Timed things correctly.” She hinted and smiled as she saw F’cone visibly relax as she let him know that she had not been at the Weyr and was fine. “I did a lot of swimming Mian. My K’ron is very cross with me for the fact I did so much but it is healthy for you. Oceania loves swimming the coves up towards Kymos.” She said touching her stomach with a smile as she looked at the pair.

“But why? Swimming is fun,” Mian asked, not understanding why K'ron would be upset with her for swimming. Falayna wrinkled her nose a little.

Milayna glanced at F'cone. At least he had relaxed. Her eyes widened though before a smile lit up her face. “Nerlyn, are you expecting?”

Nerlyn glanced down at her hand dropping it before she nodded. “I am. The Dolphins told us about 2 sevendays ago. Bit of a shock but that is why he is cross because he loves me and worries I will do too much.” She admitted waiting for F’cone to say anything.

“Congratulations.” He finally said smiling. He did not know what else to say. When had he lost his voice?

Mian still didn't understand but the adults seemed to. He was more interested in Oceania anyhow.

Milayna walked over to give the older woman a hug. “that is great news. Men, they just don't get how much we can handle,” she grinned. She didn't doubt that K'ron was worried about Nerlyn but she also figured Nerlyn knew how much she could handle.

Nerlyn smiled at the hug. Milayna was sweet and everything that F’cone needed. K’ron had every reason to worry but Nerlyn felt healthier than she had since she was a Weyrling. She had been through so much as a Dragon Rider and she missed Leanth with every fibre of her being but being a mother to her son had kept her there from going between and Oceania and the Dolphineering had given her something to do with her day. “He has reasons to worry,” F’cone spoke up which made Nerlyn raise an eyebrow. “But I am sure that you also know best.”

Milayna didn't push that one. She didn't know all the details and now wasn't the time to dig up the past. Maybe she would ask F'cone later, after the kids were asleep. “Well either way i'm happy for you two.”

“But swimming is good,” Mian piped up as Falayna trotted back to her father.

Nerlyn turned to the boy and smiled at his innocence. He was adorable and the way he looked at Oceania was the way her son looked at him. “Well maybe on my next rest day if your parents are willing I could take you for a swim with Oceania and my Rean.” She offered.

“That sounds like a great idea.” F’cone said taking the hint to move on. Nerlyn was fine for the most part it seemed from the Queen Flight. It was either that or she was putting on a brave face but he knew that even her dragon dice face was not that great.

“Really?” Mian exclaimed, looking at his parents. “Can i?” He asked before F'cone had had a chance to answer.

Milayna chucked a bit. “That is very kind of you, Nerlyn. Thank you. And I don't have a problem with it, little man,” she assured her son. It would be good for him.

“I will check my schedule and send a flit.” Nerlyn said, smiling at the boy's genuine enthusiasm for the dolphins. It was adorable and exactly how a child should be about life.

Milayna nodded. “I'm sure Mian will be annoying us until then,” she chuckled at her son's excitement. She was glad to see him so happy.

“It won’t be long I promise.” Nerlyn assured him seeing the boy looked excited already. She was looking forward to it herself. “But for now I should get out of the swimsuit and get some food in me.” Nerlyn grabbed up the rest of her gear and led the way to where the dolphin hall was located at the end of the pier.

Mian was still bouncing up and down. Falayna had started to fall asleep in F'cone's arms. “Yes we don't want to keep you,” Milayna answered. “Right love?” She asked, glancing at F'cone.

F’cone quickly jerked himself to attention and nodded at Milayna’s words. “Yes. Thank you Nerlyn for stopping to talk with us for a moment.” He said watching the woman go on with her duties with a final look in her direction. He frowned but glanced down at Falayna in his arms. He smiled at her daughter. “We should get out of the sun ourselves.”

Milayna took Mian's hand as Nerlyn walked away. She then looked over at her mate. “Okay now?” She asked softly, knowing he probably felt better now that he had talked to Nerlyn. The other woman seemed to be doing well enough.

F’cone shrugged glancing back. “For now.” He assured. He felt uneasy but he was settled for now at the very least. He would catch up properly another time.


