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KH - A Long Day Leads To Rest And Happiness (3/3)

Posted on Sun Oct 13th, 2024 @ 7:39pm by Theeressa & Jr Journeyman Riklan & Jr Journeyman Marika

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: Kymos Hold
Timeline: MD 2 D10

Riklan smiled. “And don't you forget it,” he teased her, looking towards the banging door. “You ready for company?” He asked gently, having no doubt it would be Marika and maybe Nikolai with the girls.

She was not planning to forget it. She gathered it was going to Marika. “Am I decent?” She wondered looking around at the room. “Maybe let them in and give me a few moments to clean up?”

He nodded in understanding before kissing her forehead. “Would you like me to take our little one so you can get cleaned up or do you need a hand?” Riklan was at a loss now. This was outside his Healer training.

“Take her. I’ll be okay for a moment.” Theeressa smiled at him passing over the baby watching him leave to get to the door. She waited a few moments just gathering herself before pushing herself to her feet to clean up the bed a little.

He carefully cuddled the baby against his chest as he left Theeressa to get herself composed. Riklan headed toward the door to let their guests in. “Hey sis,” he grinned when he saw his sister.

“Aw she's here!” Marika cried, hugging her brother. “Congratulations big brother.”

Theeressa only took a few moments to sort out new clothes and haphazardly tie her hair back before she appeared in the doorway. “She is very much here.” The woman said lightly leaning against the frame.

Marika looked over Riklan's shoulder. “How are you doing, Theer?” She asked her friend. “You look good and your daughter is gorgeous. Good thing she doesn't take after my brother.”

“Hey!” Riklan exclaimed, nudging his sister's side.

“Let's hope she gets his brain instead.” The woman said smiling at how happy everyone looked. This was the type of moment she thrived on. “I am okay. I feel a lot better this time after giving birth, I am up and being active.” She knew she would need rest but right then and there she wanted to be up and active to prove to herself that she was capable of doing everything.

Marika giggled. “You guys could be in trouble. His brains and your looks? Oh dear,” she grinned. “You look better than after Lars. So then what can I do to help? Put me to work so the new family can rest.”

Theeressa could not see anything wrong with that mixture. “I did not ask you here to work. I asked you here to help me give birth if it took longer but she did not take as long as expected. I did most things whilst I was plodding around thinking I was in fake labour.” Marika moved over and looped her arm around the woman's and pulled her in weakly to the living area. “Come hold your niece.” She pleaded.

Marika smiled. It certainly wasn't a bad combination at all. “You were busy. I am glad though that this one seemed to go a whole lot smoother for you.” She let Theeressa lead her back to Riklan and the baby.

“What if I don't want to let her hold our daughter?” Riklan asked.

Theeressa laughed softly looking at the man. She could see the love he had for his daughter. It made her love him more if it was possible to watch his heart get bigger to love another person. “You get to hold me instead.” Theeressa offered awkwardly sitting down in her favourite chair only wincing a little at the pain through her body.

“Well I think I like that trade,” he grinned, letting his sister take the cooing baby. He walked over and gently wrapped his arms around his wife. “You did good, love,” he whispered.

“Hey baby girl,” Marika crooned. “Have mommy and daddy thought of a name for you yet?”

Theeressa smiled at his whisper sleepily laying her head on his shoulder. “No. I did not want to be…” She left the thought left unsaid as the last couple of months had been a long struggle to stay positive. “But I think we need a couple of days to think on it better now she is here.”

Marika chuckled. “Naming is hard,” she agreed. Both their girls took a bit to settle on a name.

Riklan held her close as he rubbed her arm. “Do you need anything, sweets?” He smiled at his sister. “Definitely need a couple of days.”

Theeressa shook her head as she watched the baby carefully. She could now feel the day catching up on her. She had tried to do it all but could feel the weight of it all on her eyelids. “Nope, I am fine right here with my family thinking about names for our daughter.”

Riklan didn't push it. He would get her to rest in a little bit. Marika smiled at her brother and sister-in-law. “Why don't I see if this little one is tired?” She suggested. “And where is Lars at? Figured she'd be out here bouncing around.” The little girl definitely had a lot of energy.

“Harper lessons. We did not want her here for the birth,” Theeressa explained sleepily revealing just how old the little one was. Laressa would have only worried despite it all being natural. “Why don’t you go and get her? Marika is here to stay with me and nothing went wrong.” There was no need to keep her there longer than the morning sessions.

Marika nodded in understanding. Made complete sense.

Riklan kissed his wife's hair. “Alright. I'll go get her. Be back soon.” He knew Laressa would want to be home now. She hadn’t wanted to leave in the first place.

Theeressa smiled as he reluctantly left and she sagged back into the couch properly. “Thank you for coming, Marika. I know it was short notice but I wanted you here in case anything went wrong for Riklan.” Theeressa said happily watching the woman watching her. She was relieved that everything had gone to plan but she knew that Riklan would never know what she had planned for if something had gone wrong.

Marika glanced over as her brother disappeared before turning back to Theeressa. “Of course. I'm glad I could be here. I am even happier that all went well and I can hold my little niece. Now you better rest before Lars gets here.”

The cook smiled and tugged the fur around her a bit better to warm up better to relax. “I am relaxed you are holding the baby and I am just here resting,” Theeressa said trying to ignore how heavy her eyes were suddenly.

Marika knew better but she wouldn't push. Theeressa was at least sitting and resting. And the baby still seemed happy enough. She figured before long the girl would be hungry but until then she would continue to hold her and let Theeressa get as much rest as she could. She had no doubt that Laressa would have a million questions when she got home.


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