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KH - A Long Day (2/3)

Posted on Sun Oct 13th, 2024 @ 7:39pm by Theeressa & Jr Journeyman Riklan

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: Kymos Hold
Timeline: MD 2 D10

Theeressa knew the man would not be long but sighed with relief when he returned as she was leaning over the tub panting. She knew it was all natural but she could not remember it being this intense last time even though she had also been on bed rest for sevendays beforehand and it had been a dark time mentally for her. She was determined to remember every second of this labour and meet her newest child with Riklan this time. She wanted the man to be included in everything, he deserved to experience it all. “I am in here.” She called hearing him close the door.

Riklan had been as quick as he could. Of course, Laressa had been a bit clingy which had slowed him down. Once he stepped back inside though he followed Theeressa’s voice. “Oh baby,” he soothed, kneeling beside her. “getting bad?”

Theeressa nodded. “Mmm hmm.” She assured as gripped the side of the tub. It felt easier than lying down which she had tried as soon as he left to get a few moments rest but the twinges it created had not been worth it so she had gotten back up. “They really want to come today. Nothing false about this.”

He hated seeing her like that. “I let the harper know what is going on so they will keep Lars if need be,” he promised. They didn't need Laressa in the middle of everything. “What can I do to help?”

“I asked Marika to come later,” Theeressa admitted softly. Her sister-in-law had been her birthing partner last time and would have been disappointed if she had not been there at some point early on to meet her niece or nephew. The woman was closer to her than any other woman in her life other than her daughter, she could not imagine not having Marika in her life as much as Riklan. “I do not know. What do people normally do at this stage?” She asked looking at him.

He chuckled a bit. “That was a good idea. Mari will be thrilled to be here.” knowing his sister had been with Theeressa during Laressa’s birth had been the only thing that had kept him sane during Firehead. “Everyone is different. Some would be laying down. Others do exactly what you are. There isn't much I can do until this little one decides to actually make an appearance.”

“There is… you are going to be here telling me I am awesome and can do this…” She stopped speaking as a contraction hit and she panted through it for a long moment before her body relaxed against the tub. “I do not think it will be long. They are coming a lot quicker and I feel like I want to push but I know I cannot yet.”

“Love you are perfect in every way and I have no doubt you can do this. Laressa is here as proof.” Riklan loved Theeressa and her spunk. “Well when that time comes I know how to help there,” he assured her. “Then you'll get pampered and loved.”

Despite their height difference, the woman slowly pushed herself to her feet properly and held his shoulders looking up at him. “Last time was different. Lars was tiny. This baby is full term.” She reminded not wanting to add that she had been stressed a lot recently as she was trying to move on from Telana trying to cause trouble and did not want to throw that in his face when the last 2 months had been perfect. “I love you…” She declared as another wave of pain went through her.

“I still have no doubt you can handle this,” he said gently, looking into her eyes. “You are stronger than you think.” He knew Laressa had been tiny but he also knew she had had a lot more trouble carrying Lars then this little one. “Love you too,” he said before cringing. “Alright let's get you laying down so I can see just how far along you are.”

“I am not strong. I am scared but you are here and that means I can face anything.” She admitted allowing him to help her into the bedroom where she had set up space for her to have the baby at home with lots of towels and the strange material sheet that was waterproof. “I should have had this baby in the bath.” She laughed as another way hit.

He kissed her hair. “You are strong and I don't blame you for being scared. I am not leaving your side for anything,” he promised. Riklan chuckled softly. “That might have helped a bit,” he agreed. “This will be fine though and it looks like you have everything.” He helped her onto the bed. “Alright, sweetheart let's see if our little one is ready to join us.”

The woman nodded as she lay on her back and allowed him to check. She could have gone to Healer Hall but she wanted to have her child there like other women had in their homes. Nothing was going to be going wrong and if it did she was safe with Riklan. “I have been preparing for sevendays.” She admitted blushing a little as she let go of his hand as she realised suddenly he was not going to be able to hold her hand as he was delivering the baby.

Riklan gave her an encouraging smile. He had no doubt she would be fine. And he would make sure of it. “You did good,” he encouraged her. Riklan kissed her brow quickly before reluctantly moving away from her. “Alright sweetheart,” he crooned as he knelt down. Riklan did a quick exam, a smile touching his lips. “Looks like it won't be much longer, love.”

“Yeah.” The woman nodded. She could have told him that but she nodded at his reassurance. “I remember this part.” She admitted thinking back to hearing Marika telling her the same thing. She shifted a little to sit up better before the next wave hit her leaving her panting and several curse words came from her mouth.

Riklan looked up at his wife in surprise. She wasn't one who normally swore. “Shards love,” he crooned. “should only be a few more minutes before you can push.” He wished he could do this part for her. He hated seeing her in pain.

Theeressa found herself always laughing at the shock on his face. She was not the type to curse but the pain coursing through her was stinging more than she could remember last time. Why did that pain always fade away so that you forgot this part and wanted to have another child. “I don’t think I want to do this again. No more coming near me healer.” She admitted shaking her head as she groaned in pain but no curse words came out this time.

Riklan kept a careful watch on her, making sure that everything was still progressing normally. He was not going to let anything happen to her. The Healer pulled a face at her comment. “Yeah yeah, I know. This is my fault. I am sorry. I would take the pain if I could.” He reached over and got a wet cloth, moving up to gently wipe the sweat from her brow.

“I mean it and you can have this pain.” She assured watching him more away before he came back quickly. The woman looked up at him and smiled relieved that he was there and wiping her brow. “Thank you.” She whispered in a sweeter voice than her grumbling had been as she gathered her strength again as she felt the need to push becoming more heightened. “I need to push.” She said firmly, her body knew what to do this time.

“I know, I know. I'm banished to the couch.” He would do whatever it took to make her happy. He nodded as he moved away again. “Alright love, then push and we'll see if we can't coax our little one to come out and say hello.”

Theeressa nodded. She could do this, she had to do this and within a candelmark she had done it and the baby made an appearance screaming to prove her point that she was there. “Are they okay?” Theeressa asked, collapsing back on the bed spent but happy to hear the screaming. A screaming baby meant they were there and alive.

Riklan gave as much encouragement as he could while helping with the birth. He quickly set to work cleaning their little one who definitely had a healthy set of lungs. The healer chuckled a bit. “She is just fine. You did wonderful, love.”

“She? We have a daughter?” She settled back into sobbing with relief that she was there even as the baby was bundled up and put into her arms she could not believe it. “We have a daughter.” She breathed as she stared at the little baby in amazement as she finally stopped screaming and just stared back.

He nodded. “We do. A healthy daughter,” he agreed, kissing her brow. “You did great, love.” Riklan tickled the baby's fingers. “She's perfect.”

Theeressa just stared at the baby sobbing still for a moment before Riklan finished up and joined her. “Thank you.” She whispered looking away from the baby to look at Riklan. “Thank you for being my healer today.” She knew she had pressured him into it but it had been exactly how she wanted everything to go to feel safe.

Riklan sat on the edge of their bed, just enjoying being with his little family. He did wonder what Laressa would think. He reached up and gently brushed a tear from his wife's cheek. “Of course, love. Thank you for trusting me to help.”

“I think it was either you or your sister or Nikolai, " she whispered, trying to catch her breath again now that her body was no longer having to work hard to get a baby out. I just wanted to be safe, " she whispered. I wanted this one to be safe, " she added, smiling at him as he wiped her tears. I am happy.” Theeressa could not have been happier if she had tried; everything had gone to plan.

Riklan smiled. “All good choices but I am glad I am able to be with you this time.” It had nearly killed him when he couldn't be there for Laressa's birth. “You both are very safe,” he promised. he would never let anything happen to them again.

The woman nodded she believed him. Talana was long gone thanks to the Weyrleaders and the council of holders destroying Dragon Hold once and for all, scattering them to the winds. It just left Theeressa to savour the new life she had created from her determination to be nothing like the people who had claimed to be her family. “I believe you.” She whispered leaning out to touch his arm wanting to bring him closer to hold both of them.

Riklan knew it had taken a lot of time and effort but they were both finally starting to settle into a good life that didn't leave them worried. He couldn't have been happier and he couldn't imagine his life without them. “Good cause I would never lie to you,” he whispered, shifting to hold her and their new daughter.

“You never have.” She knew that he had never lied to her in their 4 turns together but it was hard to trust anyone when all you have been used to has been games. “You are not the one that has been wrong in this marriage. It has been me and I hate myself for that but I want to be here with you and Laressa and this little one.” She assured caressing the little girls cheek.

“Love it is okay. I love you and have always loved you. you came from a hard past but look where you are now,” he smiled, kissing her head. “You have two beautiful daughters and me,” he teased, rubbing her arm.

“We have two beautiful daughters and I am blessed to have a gorgeous husband who accepts me and everything I have put him through.” She looked up at him wanting to say more but stopped as she could hear the door banging in the distance which set off the fire lizards crooning.


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