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KH - A Long Night Leads To A Long Day (1/3)

Posted on Sun Oct 13th, 2024 @ 7:39pm by Theeressa & Jr Journeyman Riklan

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: Kymos Hold
Timeline: MD 2 D10

Theeressa paced back and forth counting to herself as she did. Both her daughter and husband were still asleep but she knew that if Riklan did not wake soon she was going to have to wake him as things were progressing passed where she could remember the last labour she could definitely feel the contractions were increasing but walking around was certainly helping. She had spent half the night pottering down when she had thought she was going through the false pains again making stew and porridge on the stove but by the time dawn was starting to surface she knew that it would not be much longer.

Riklan had made it home later then he had wanted to but as a Healer you didn't get much choice. Now though he was past tired but losing the heat from his wife made him stir a bit. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up more.

“Theer?” He called softly.

Theeressa heard the call but could not really do anything about responding for a moment as the contraction hit again and she panted through it. The firelizards watched her intrigued from the shelf above the stove, Theeresa did not seem distressed but she was hurting by what they knew about humans. Why was she not calling for help? “Out here.” The woman finally answered leaning over one of the chairs set at the table.

He frowned a bit when he didn't hear Theeressa right away. That was odd. He didn't figure she would have gone far. He finally heard her soft voice and followed it to the kitchen.

“Oh Theer,” he crooned, rushing over to her. “Is it time?”

Theeressa looked up at him as he rushed over as she stood a little straighter now that she was not feeling the waves of pain. “Nearly. Still many breaths between them.” She assured trying not to stress him out. This was their first proper experience of labor having been separated by firehead epidemic with Laressa.

Riklan gently sat a hand on her shoulder. He had performed many births but it scared him knowing it was his wife. “Let's get you more comfortable then, sweetheart. Then I'll get the other things ready. Just keep breathing, in and out, in and out.”

“I am good. I’ve been doing this for candlemarks.” She assured breathing exactly how he was telling her to as the firelizards cocked their heads confused. Theeressa stared back at them all relieved that everyone had settled down now before turning her gaze to the man touching her shoulder. ”I made stew and porridge so you and Lars won’t starve whilst I was trying to bring things along.”

Riklan blinked at her in shock. “Candlemarks? Love, why didn't you wake me?” Shards he should have been there for her. He shook his head. “Seriously? You did all that?” His wife amazed him all the time. “You sure you want to stay standing?”

Theeressa smiled at him and touched his cheek softly before returning her hand to the back of the chair. “Yes, I did that because once this starts properly no one is going to be able to do much for a little bit and you and Laressa will starve if left to your own devices. Neither of you have taken to cooking..” She gulped as she could feel another contraction starting. Because there is nothing you can do in the early stages other than worry and we do not need that. It is natural.” She hissed out gripping the chair.”Yeah. It is helping for now.”

He frowned a bit, not liking that he couldn't do anything. He had to smile a bit at her words. “Yeah cooking is not my specialty,” he agreed. Riklan blew out a soft breath. “Still hate that I wasn't there from the beginning.” He wasn't going to leave her this time.

Theeressa panted for a few long moments trying to not think of the last time she had done this with Marika and Nikolai’s help. It had taken forever and she had hated having to rest for it being up and doing things had been helpful to her body and more importantly her mental health. “I am sure that you will be relieved once I can no longer stand and need help that you have had that rest.”

Riklan made a face but nodded. She was probably right about that. Still killed him to have to stand by and watch. “Do you need anything?” He offered. There wasn't much else he could do for the time being.

“Get Lars ready for her Harper lessons?” She suggested. If they could get their daughter off to her harper lessons without her worrying then Theeressa was sure her body would relax a little and speed up the process a little. “I still have a little bit of time and I do not want to scare her with going into active labour with her here and I want the baby born here.” She was adamant that she wanted a home birth, no one could hurt them in her home.

The Healer nodded. “Think I can handle that.” He had known there would be no convincing her to go anywhere but the house. He just hoped he could keep his head about him since this was his wife and not just another patient. “Be right back.”

Theeressa smiled and squeezed his hand as he disappeared off to sort out their daughter for her day. She could hear the soft noises and confusion over being woken up and dressed by her father instead of her mother but the little girl lit up when she came into the living room and saw her mother waiting. “Hello little one.” Theeressa greeted having been able to move and dish up two bowls for the pair of them of porridge.

“Mama.” The girl greeted hugging her around her waist before she pulled back, noticing the hardness of her stomach.

Riklan was glad that Laressa was behaving but he could see the little girl was very confused. A smile touched his lips though when she ran straight to Theeressa.

“You've been busy in a short amount of time. Do you need anything love?”

“Not at all. Just for you both to eat up and get to Laressa’s harper lessons on time.” She assured waddling a little to encourage the little girl to the table to eat before she left the room.

“Mama looks like she is in pain.” The girl said as Leer came down from the shelf above the stove to settle on her shoulder curling around her neck.

Riklan nodded, knowing what Theeressa was getting at. He needed to get Larsessa moving and quickly. “She is okay, sweetie,” he promised, sitting down by his daughter. “As soon as I get you to your lessons I'll come back and make sure mommy rests.”

Well there certainly wouldn't be any rest but the little girl didn't need to know that. He glanced up at his wife to make sure she was still okay.

The little girl nodded and took the hint to eat her food before she quickly gathered up her stuff to leave for the day. “I am ready. Bye, mama.” She called as the woman appeared in the doorway that led to where they kept shoes and coats.

Riklan finished his own meal and then grabbed his shoes before helping his daughter. He didn't want to leave Theeressa very long just in case. “Come on, Lars Let's go for a walk.”

The girl narrowed her eyes but said nothing other than wave to her mother and quickly head out the door. “I love you. See you both soon,” Theereesa assured in a calm voice as she smiled at Riklan and squeezed his hand quickly trying to reassure him.

Riklan knew his daughter wasn't happy but he didn't have time to try to soothe her. He needed to get back to Theeressa. He gave his wife a gentle smile before disappearing with their daughter. He would be as quick as he could be.


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