Green Rider Rya

Name Rya

Position Wing Rider

Rank Green Rider

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 23
Year Of Birth after landing m7, d30
Dragon Gillith
Dragon Colour Green

Physical Appearance

Physical Description She tall for her age, with green eyes and black hair.


Personality & Traits

General Overview She’s very shy, so when she was searched she nearly didn’t come to the Weyr to be a candidate. If someone starts talking to her that she doesn’t know she freezes, and starts to go red.
Craft Healer
Sexuality Hetrosexual


Personal History She grew up in a very small beast hold, which specialized in the healer side, she was sent to healer hall at a very young age but that didn’t help her shyness, she hopes to impress the golden egg but isn’t bothered if she impresses a green.