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KH: Closure

Posted on Thu Mar 20th, 2025 @ 9:46pm by Lenya & Sr Journeyman Bensen

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: Kymos Hold
Timeline: M2 D29

Lenya had noticed him several times throughout the day but there had never been a correct time to approach him but now as he stood by himself looking as if he was waiting for someone it was perfect. She wore a long dark green dress that matched K’yar’s shirt at his request as he wanted to show her off at the dance for Dragonriders which was why she wanted to speak to him before that happened. K’yar had looked confused about why she wanted to speak to him but he did not understand the closure she needed after seeing him last turn at the Far Site Gather.

“Hello Bensen,” Lenya finally greeted him as she stepped out of the crowd of the Grand Hall. Bensen finally had a few moments to himself. He was grateful to everyone for their encouragement and concern but he had other things on his mind and really didn't want to deal with everything else.

His eyes widened though when he heard a voice from the past. “Lenya?” He asked in disbelief.

“Hello. I am sorry for approaching you if I am an unwanted presence.” She murmured calmly. “You look like you could use some moral support,” Lenya said gently, seeing the disbelief all over his face. She was not wanting to cause pain or anything purely just apologies for hurting him as they never did finish their conversation at the last gather.

Bensen shook his head a bit. Seeing Lenya there had just caught him by surprise. “It's okay. Just had other things on my mind,” he answered quietly. What was she wanting? He had given her his heart and she had stomped on it.

“I know. I was sorry to hear of your brothers passing that night.” She said gently remembering the sudden screaming and shouts that had interrupted their last conversation. Leisa and Emalee had grabbed her back to their house until control had been regained but it had seemed pointless at that moment to approach him any further. “How have you been?”

“Thank you.” He tried not to think of that night. So much had changed in such a short time. Things that never should have changed or even happened for that matter. “Okay I guess. just trying to move forward.”

“Is that going well or does it feel like two steps forwards, one step back?” She wondered gently having some experience in life changing events and trying to move past them.

Bensen sighed. “Definitely two steps forward and one back. Sometimes even two or three back.” It wad going to be a hard thing to get over.

Lenya sighed gently and touched his shoulder for a moment before pulling her hand back. “I really am sorry they came to your doorstep. I wish I could help somehow. I owe you that after what I did to you.” It had been the biggest reason after Kiyna wanting to go home to the Weyr and her confusion over her feelings for K’yar that had made her leave him after the night together - she had not wanted Dragon Hold coming for him.

The young man shook his head. “Nothing you could have done. They caught us all by surprise. Thankfully it wasn't worse than it was.” They could have lost so many more lives that day. Bensen closed his eyes briefly. “Still can't believe you disappeared after that too.”

“I… I did not disappear after that. We got separated mid shouting at each other when people started to try to kill people.” She pointed out quietly. “My brother and Sister in law took me to their home until things were under control. I did not think it appropriate to continue that conversation when my former home had just killed your brother.” She had not wanted to add to his burden. “It did not seem fair to add to your emotions.”

“I thought something had happened to you. It was only later I learned where you were. How did we drift so quickly?” He asked. Of course, maybe he didn't really want to know that answer. Not with everything else still going on.

The man even after that had worried about her. She smiled sadly and shook her head. “Because I was never good enough for you Bensen. I told you this and I will apologise forever if it makes you feel better. I never meant to break your heart but I am thankful that I met you as you showed me what I deserved. I tried to tell you before we got yelling at each other for me leaving you after you took me home with you.” She said gently.

“I still don't know what made you feel that way?” And he couldn't figure out why it mattered. He had made a choice but then Lenya had taken it out of his hands by leaving. “I just never expected you to leave so quickly even before that fateful night.”

“Because Dragon Hold destroyed me. Can we sit?” She wondered indicating the chairs in the corner of the antechamber that led to the Grand Hall. She sat down and sighed softly licking her lips. He deserved to know her whole story so that he could understand and move forward. “You saw my scars that night… Dragon Hold did that to me. They took my baby from me and left me to die. I am damaged and… you were so sweet and untainted and I woke up and panicked. I got back to Leisa and Emalee’s and K’yar was there and he instantly knew where I had been all night.”

Bensen slid into a chair. He blew out a frustrated breath as he listened. He remembered those scars quite well. “I thought you probably went back to him.”

“I did not make it easy for him.” She assured him. “But yes. I wanted to warn you before the Dragon Rider celebration because I will be there as he is a wingsecond. It was not an easy choice Bensen. You made me fall in love with you and I would have stayed but Dragon Hold still had a hold on me and I did not want them to get you or your family so I am sorry that they did anyway because you held a gather at that time. But what about you? I heard tonight that your father has announced an engagement?”

Bensen understood the reason but it didn't make it any easier. Although now he had a future of his own to think about. “They would have tried something anyhow. That Hold was a bit insane. At least some there were.” He was happy for her but he had been heartbroken when she left and right after losing his brother. A smile touched his lips. “He is. It's my engagement,” he answered.

“You can call me insane I do not take it to heart and sometimes wonder myself if I am.” She smiled a little as she saw the smile on his face. “I gathered. I did not think it was your eldest brother as he looked so glum. I am really happy for you Bensen. You deserve happiness and a family.” She knew he would put his heart and soul into it and the person he was going to marry was very lucky.

Bensen shook his head. “You are not insane. I have met a few from there that aren't.” She had already seen his brother? That surprised him a bit. “Thank you. Rena was a bit unsure but I'm sure we'll make it work.” He was determined to make it work.

“Bensen, if she is smart she’ll fall in love with you if she is not already and make it work. You are a great man.” Lenya looked around and smiled calmly. She was glad they were having this conversation. It hurt to confront things but she needed him to understand it was all her fault.

“I’m willing to wait.” Bensen wasn't losing someone again. Rena meant the world to him. “Thank you. I do hope you are happy as well.” He did wish her well. They just weren't meant to be.

“I am happy enough. I’m still learning to love myself but I am doing better knowing that Dragon Hold are no more and not going to try and take me and my daughter.” It was a weight off her mind to say the least. She was happy with being a drudge, not sure what type of craft would suit her but she had time to think now. “I have freedom to be happy.” She said smiling more as she saw K’yar in the doorway watching them.

Bensen nodded. “I'm glad to hear that. You deserve to be happy.” It seemed like things had finally taken a turn for the better after all the badness.

Lenya turned to look at Bensen again and leaned over touching his hand before she kissed his cheek. “So do you Ben and I wish it on you and more. You are the nicest person I have ever met and I wish I had met you under different circumstances or at a different time when I could have loved you the way you deserved so go and find Rena and be happy.” She said standing up.

“You be happy too. We all deserve that,” he said gently. Bensen grinned. He couldn't wait to find Rena. She had been one of his best friends before this so spending time with her just felt natural anyhow..

“I will. I do not believe he will make the same mistake again.” Lenya assured as she waved goodbye to the man and rushed over to the brown rider disappearing into the grand hall with him.


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