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KH: The marriage proposal

Posted on Wed Feb 5th, 2025 @ 2:33pm by Sr Journeyman Rena & Sr Journeyman Bensen
Edited on on Wed Feb 5th, 2025 @ 3:32pm

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: Kymos Hold
Timeline: M2 D29

Rena kept her arm looped through Bensen’s for most of the afternoon as they watched the races. He was keeping her close as promised, and for some reason, even Enabon was staying near and seemed to be intercepting Marcono every time he tried to talk to her. She had no idea what discussions had happened, but she was relieved that she did not have to talk to the man when she had little interest in him or being his wife.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief when they all started the walk back to the Hold in little groups. “So, Far Site’s runners won a lot of their races,” she said quietly, squeezing his arm. Bensen never left her side. Not only did he enjoy the races, but he didn't want to break his word to her. They had a lot to discuss later in a quieter environment.

“They did. Oseben knew good stock when he saw it. You have a fine group of runners, and they have sweet temperaments too, which is rare—to have both speed and temperament,” he admitted. The woman looked up at him and shook her head. She had meant what she had said about the runners. She had never wanted them in the first place. When Oseben had died, it was discovered that most of them were in his name.

“I promise you, Ben. I will sign it all over to your family. I want nothing from your family,” she said quietly, as they were at the back of the group, with Senabena and Lady Sena several minutes ahead of them. He knew she would, but he would rather she didn't. Oseben had built the herd up, and his children deserved to see them.

“What if you have to get married?” he asked softly, not wanting to say what they had talked about. “Besides, wouldn't Brenna like to have her father's runners?”

“What do you mean if I have to get married?” she wondered, looking up at him sadly. “I do not believe she will remember Oseben once she is older—being only three turns. He’ll be a very distant memory, unfortunately.” Shards, he was mucking things up again. And that was sad—to think Brenna wouldn't remember her father.

“My parents have agreed that, only if you accept, I can ask for your hand in marriage, and they will keep everyone else away. I will help keep Oseben's memory alive for the children and make sure you are taken care of,” he promised.

“You did fast work in a candlemark,” she realized, with a little bit of a smile. He really had done everything he had promised. “I know you are being honourable here, Bensen, so how much time do I have to think about upturning your life?” she wondered, looking ahead to the group walking much faster. At least it gave them time to talk in the sunlight.

“Didn't want to give them a chance to make other arrangements.” He had refused to lose her. “As much time as you like and need. If you choose differently, I will step back but still be there to help you through anything.”

“So that is why everyone looked shifty when I joined you all before the races,” she realized, sighing. She would never be a Holder. She did not have the political experience to play the games, and thankfully, Oseben had always kept her away from it. “You are not going to let me run away, are you, Ben?” she asked, knowing he would most likely follow her to try and convince her.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I know it was a bit odd. I was trying to keep it normal.” Holder life wasn't for everyone. Oseben had found a sweet girl to make his life with, and it seemed his brother had managed to shield her from a lot.

“No, I am not going to let you run,” he agreed. “I will only follow.” The woman paused in her step and turned to look at him, unlooping her arm.

“I am not a Holder. I will never be able to play the games you all do for political gains and for your people. I am a Harper who is quite happy singing a song to teach children and entertain in the evening,” she stated quite clearly. “What do you get out of this, Bensen?” She could not understand why he was willing to settle. He stopped when she did and waited for her to speak her mind. He nodded.

“I know that very well, and I would never expect you to be that way. You are the perfect Harper who has a heart of gold.” He could see why she was concerned.

“What do I get? I get to have my best friend by my side. One that knows the real me and not the one I have to put on for people.”

“I can’t be that person. I might dress as a Holder when requested, like today, but much like yourself and your sister, I am happy enough with my lot in life and dress down day to day. I do not claim to be anything other than me. Brenna is the same, and this child…” for the first time, she acknowledged the baby, putting her hands on the prominent bump, “…will be the same.”

“I never expected anything different,” he assured her. “And as long as my wife isn't expected by my side, you won't have to be involved in any of those political discussions or craziness.”

“I believe you. I just think you are foolish for wanting this when you are suddenly going to have a wife and children.” The woman glanced up to see the sincere look in his eyes and nodded. She believed him. He would expect nothing of her other than what he knew already. She glanced up, seeing Senabena and Lady Sena paused, waiting for them.

“Your family is watching us. We should try and catch up,” she said, turning back to where they had been going.

Bensen didn't completely understand. “I don't mind that idea at all,” he assured her. A wife and children sounded wonderful, in his opinion.

Bensen followed her gaze. “Yes, we probably should before they come back.” She did not take his arm again, keeping her hands at her side, nervously touching her dress. She liked Bensen—liked him more than any other man she knew—but was that enough for something solid?

“It’s just two very big steps all at once, Ben,” she whispered, as Senabena smiled, starting to walk again, hoping her mother would follow her.

“I know,” he said softly. He really wished they had the time to court properly and not rush things. “Take the time you need. I am not going anywhere and will not force you into anything.” Lady Sena watched her son and daughter-in-law, hoping they could make it work. She would much rather keep Rena in the family. She turned, though, to follow her daughter.

“We don’t have time. That is the one thing we do not have,” she sighed. “I have your foolish but kind offer, or some Lord Holder desperate enough to take a chance that I might have a son for him,” she choked out, laughing bitterly.

“How did I get myself in this position?” she wondered, mostly to herself, as they reached the marketplace where she had discovered all the chaos going on behind the scenes. Bensen's heart broke. This really wasn't fair. She should have been able to enjoy her life with Oseben.

“You didn't do anything wrong. It was all Dragon Hold,” he said quietly as they reached the others. This was just a mess.


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