KH: Family agreement
Posted on Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 3:05pm by Sr Journeyman Rena & Bronze Rider A'ren
3531 AL
Location: Kymos Hold
Timeline: M2 D2
Oben looked around at the Runners preparing to start their races. They looked great with Far Site’s deep green and crimson colours displayed magnificently.
“You are sure Rena said she was coming back to watch the races, little one?” the Lord Holder asked his daughter. Senabena looked around from where she watched the Runners, making sure all her preparations were correct and in order. She hated being called "little one" when she was old enough to make her own choices and a journeywoman in her own right now.
“Yes, Father. She needed some time alone,” Senabena assured, glancing around, hoping in fact that the woman had not used it as an excuse to run away. “Why are you so worried if she is back or not?”
“We have some news for her,” Enabon commented. Bensen had hated watching Rena walk away, but he also knew following her would not have been appreciated. And he didn't have long to think as his family showed up for the races. The Runners looked great. Oseben would be proud. Bensen spun around when Enabon spoke up. He glanced at Senabena in worry. Oh no.
“What news could you possibly have for her, Enabon?” Senabena asked, looking bored. She knew better than to enrage anyone, but she had learned a long time ago to look bored in situations like this, giving her a mask of disinterest when inside she was just as worried as Bensen.
Enabon missed Bensen's worried expression as he glanced at his sister. “Lord Marcono wishes to get to know her better,” he said, looking proud that there was interest in her from someone.
“I thought you would have been interested, Enabon. An heir so quickly,” Senabena commented smartly. Bensen had known this would happen, but he had hoped he had a little more time—at least enough to fix things between them. It wasn't that he didn't think Marcono was a good man. He just wanted Rena for himself, if she would have him.
“That seems pretty fast,” he commented. “She is still grieving Oseben.”
“Cannot wait, unfortunately, son,” Oben commented.
“She has made it very clear after breakfast that I would be unwelcome in her bed, Senabena,” Enabon commented softly. He could not blame her—when he was the closest in looks to Oseben—but he had had to try.
“So why not Father?” Senabena wondered, asking the right questions, smirking a little at Enabon’s answer. Rena had not known Enabon had been considering offering marriage before a candlemark ago, so it was funny to her that even then she had refuted him.
“The baby is due soon enough,” he commented quietly, wondering why the questions from his youngest. “And no one else is interested. We need to secure Oseben’s legacy.” Bensen kept a straight face when Enabon said Rena had rejected him. But he still had to figure out a way to stop this from happening.
“What if someone else was interested?” he asked quickly, without thinking. Sena raised a finely shaped brow, glancing at her husband. She had never seen Bensen like this before. Well, there had been that one time, but it hadn't ended well. Senabena looked at her parents, hopeful that they would work it out before it was too late.
“What are you saying, Ben?” Oben asked, seeing his wife looking at him. Had he misjudged other options? Nabon was not interested, considering he was seeing a woman in the North, and the others he had deemed too young to deal with a woman not on her first marriage. A slight smile touched Sena’s lips as she waited to hear what her son was thinking. She was pretty sure she knew, but she wanted to hear it from him.
Bensen took a deep breath. “Me, Father. What about me?” he finally answered.
“You?” Oben raised an eyebrow but saw the way his wife was smiling.
“You are interested?” he challenged, as Enabon glanced at his sister and just rolled his eyes at the stupid grin on her face. She was encouraging this—he was sure of it.
“Yes, me. Why not me?” he asked.
Sena smiled and leaned against her husband's shoulder. “He does have a point, dear,” she said gently.
“Well…” Oben started before he looked at his wife. “I guess he does. Fine,” he relented, watching as Rena appeared in the paddock and moved through the crowds towards them. “Enabon, you can disinterest Lord Marcono on the girl.”
“And what if Rena is not interested in my dear brother here?” Enabon wondered, as Senabena elbowed him when she noticed Rena and moved to intercept. Rena did not need to hear all of this—even if it was about her.
Bensen glared at his brother. “If she is not, then I will stand back and let our parents sort it out.” He really hated doing this behind Rena's back, but he would still give her the choice.
Sena nodded. “Sounds fair.”
Oben nodded at his wife in agreement. He would not go against her wishes on it when he could see she was happy with it. “Very fair.” The older man looked at his child as if he was seeing him for the first time. He smiled a little and stood up a little straighter. Enabon indicated that he would follow his parents' wishes.
“Looks like you and Senabena have both grown up somewhat this month,” Enabon commented as the teenager led Rena back to the group, glaring at them all as if to say: best behaviour.
Bensen smiled slightly at his brother's words. “That does happen, brother,” he answered, smiling brightly when he saw Rena. He was glad Senabena was close to her to keep her steady.
“Apologies if you were worrying. I got lost coming back,” Rena admitted as Senabena let go of her arm to stand by her mother.
“We would have sent a search party if you had been missing any longer,” Enabon said with a gentle smile, shifting over a little to make her a space between him and Bensen.
“But you have not missed anything yet,” Oben assured, taking in her pale appearance against the dark blue dress. It was always hard to tell with tans, but the girl had barely left her rooms in months apart from attending to her daughter or harper duties. “How are you feeling?”
“I am well, my lord. Yourself?” Rena answered on default as she took up the offered spot between the two men.
Bensen gave a gentle smile as he gave her hand a light squeeze. She did look pale, and that worried him. Of course, so much had been going on he wasn't surprised. “Maybe some rest after the races,” he suggested.Sena nodded, worried for her daughter-in-law. The poor girl had been through so much in such a short time.
“I will, after the races, return to the hold for some rest before the gathering ball,” she assured, glancing at Sena and offering a smile. She could see everyone was worried about her, even the Lord Holder. She glanced down at the squeeze on her hand and squeezed his hand back.
“So come on, Bensen, explain about these races and Runners,” she requested, turning the conversation to why they were all here.
Bensen liked those words. Apparently, she wasn't going to leave after the races, then. “That I can do,” he grinned, holding his arm toward her. He nodded at his parents.