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KH: You Could Marry Me

Posted on Sun Jan 26th, 2025 @ 12:38pm by Jr Journeyman Senabena & Sr Journeyman Rena & Sr Journeyman Bensen
Edited on on Sun Jan 26th, 2025 @ 12:41pm

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: Kymos Hold
Timeline: M2 D29

Rena looked up feeling the sun on her face as she finally escaped the group of people wanting her attention from in-laws to lord holders and just wandered around the market square. She just wanted a few moments to regroup her smiles and politeness before she found them again. It was not even lunchtime yet but she felt tired and done with having to speak to people about things that were not important in the grand scheme of things but she could not begrudge them wanting to move on. The only thing that had been important had been questions around the runner races later on where she knew Oseben’s runners would be racing.

It had felt odd being back in a marketplace but freeing as well. Not to mention escaping this parents and other lord holders. Bensen sighed. He didn't know how his parents did it sometimes. And over such trivial things.

As he was walking through he caught sight of a familiar figure. “Rena?” He asked.

Rena turned and rolled her eyes with a smile as she saw the man coming towards her. She glanced back at the harp covers making a note to come back later on. “Are you following me, Ben?” She wondered lightly, stepping back from the stall to walk the distance to the man.

Bensen met her partway. “Not intentionally,” he chuckled. That hadn't really been his plan. But he wasn't going to complain. “Shall I turn and go the other direction?” He offered.

“No. That would be silly.” She shook her head knowing he would have slipped out from the Lord Holder events much like she had. “You look better than breakfast.” Rena had not been able to catch him since his parents had joined them and insisted on everyone coming to the meet and greet.

He smiled. “Feeling better since then too.” He could have lived without the meet and greet but at least he had slipped away for a bit now. “Did you survive the craziness?”

“Just about. Your father was insisting that I stayed but your mother helped me escape telling him I needed some fresh air.” She shrugged a little bit entirely sure what was going on and why she was being kept closer than normal. “How about you? How come you escaped? Or were you going to check on the runners?” She knew that was where Senabena was so the girl had gotten to miss it all. Maybe Rena could learn for next time to pretend she had something Harper-ish she had to do.

“Sounds like father.” He knew exactly why his parents were keeping Rena close. “I was going to check on the runners but I also promised to check on Sena and you,” he admitted.

“Ah, so you were tracking me down.” She said, rolling her eyes. “Come on then we will go check on your sister together. I should check on the runners and their riders myself.” She said quietly indicating the direction he had been going. She tried not to think about the fact they were technically her runners but she was not going to get involved in that as she had not the first idea of how to look after them or anything.

“Kind of,” he agreed. He had wanted to find her anyhow. Bensen nodded. “Let's do that. I've always loved being around the runners.” He really did need to find a way to broach the subject of what was next.

“I have no idea what to do with them or not do with them. I am a harper.” She said shrugging a little helplessly. She had been trying to learn, but beastcraft was not her craft. It was about as far from Harpering as one could get in her opinion. “I love being a harper and I cannot think of doing anything else.”

“Then it's a good thing I'm around,” Bensen grinned. “The runners was one thing I did have in common with Oseben.” It felt good to talk about something that his brother loved. “And you are a wonderful harper.” He moved to walk next to her.

“Not very good at the moment but thank you.” She smiled looping her arm through his in her usual fashion to slow him down from walking too fast. “I am glad you and Senabena have a clue about it all. I might have just sold them off and got rid of them all.” She admitted sadly knowing Oseben would have hated that his Runner blood line was broken like that but what did she know about it all.

“Oh no no,” Bensen said. “We can't have that. Sena and I will take care of them. Just wait til you see the foals romping around,” he grinned, slowing up at her gentle tug on his arm.

“Then I will sign them over to you and Abe.” Rena assured gently, seeing him grinning. He looked so much less stressed than he had for the last seven months when he smiled and no one had smiled enough recently. “I am sure Brenna would love to see them come spring.”

“She will love them. They are so soft and funny. You will like them too,” he assured. “you know you could just marry me and you wouldn't have to worry about mother and fathers plans and we can raise the runners together,” he suggested without thinking about how it sounded.

“Pardon.” Rena stopped dead in the crowd and looked at him. “What plans?” She demanded finding her voice as her mind whirled with the potential and horror of what he had said.

Bensen went pale when he realized what he had just said. He hadn't actually meant to say that outloud. He had just been so happy that he wasn't thinking. “That's what Sena overheard. They were trying to figure out the best match for you,” he said quietly.

Rena pulled her arm away from him trying to order her thoughts. She was not a political tool but then she knew that they were trying to protect her children and future without Oseben. “Of course she did.” Was all that the woman could form into words as she shook her head. “Who? Who did they think were the best matches?” She demanded as people started to walk around them.

Bensen turned to face her, sorrow and apology in his eyes. “I am so sorry, Rena. I never meant to just let that slip out in such an undignified way.” He hesitated a moment. “Lord Marcono and even Enabon.”

The woman’s eyes went large as she realised why both men had been hanging around her so much over the last day. “Explains so much.” She laughed bitterly and shook her head as she turned in the direction she had come from. She was going back to her room, packing and getting back to her daughter.

“Rena where are you going?” He knew this had come as a blow and not a welcome thing either. Unfortunately he knew it was how the Lord Holders worked. Especially with the children. “What can I do to help?”

“Nothing. You have done a great service of warning me. I am going back to hold. I am going to pack and then I am going to find a rider and ask nicely for a lift to Far Site, get my daughter and get as far away from politics as I can.” She whispered. “Go and enjoy the Gather.” She instructed stopping to look at him and the turmoil that was crossing his features.

Bensen should have known this wouldn't go well. He shook his head. “At least stay and watch Oseben's runners. Another candlemark won't make a difference. I'll do my best to keep anyone away from you so you can just enjoy the race.” He felt bad for her and wanted to help.

The woman frowned. He was using the right words to make her stop. She wanted to know how the runners did. She might be clueless around the runners but her husband had been brilliant and she wanted to honour him for the last time before she escaped. “Shard it.” She whispered, turning back around to start back in that direction. “Then I leave.” She warned.

The man nodded. At least she would stay for the races. Although he wasn't sure what he was going to do after that. He worried she might try to run once she had Brenna and he would hate that. “I'll do my best to stay close and help explain the race,” Bensen offered.

“Thank you.” She said lightly, not sure what else to say as her firelizard perked up feeling the change in her pets energy. The woman led the way to where the races were going to happen and looked around taking in all the details. “There is your sister.” She noticed the woman coming toward them grinning brightly before she stopped seeing how uneasy and pale they both looked. She bowed her head.

“You know.” Senabena whispered realising.

Bensen walked beside her. He wasn't sure how he was going to fix this but he had better think fast. He caught sight of Senabena just as Rena did. “Know what?” he whispered.

“You told her.” Senabena said gently. She could see it on there faces that there had been words.

“Course he did.” Rena mumbled as she moved to look inside the stables.

“Did not go well then brother?” Senabena said gently as she turned to watch Rena.

Bensen shook his head. “Didn't exactly say it how I meant to. Got excited about the runners and teaching Rena and Brenna about them that I sort of blurted it out,” he admitted.

“You just blurted it out?” Senabena rolled her eyes as she wiped her hands on her trousers, relieved that she had not had to dress up like the other woman who was venturing inside the stables. “What did you say Ben?” The girl was not at all surprised that he had just blurted it all out.

Bensen paled and looked at his boots. Definitely hadn't been his proudest moment. “I said we could just get married so she didn't have to worry about what mother and father were planning,” he answered miserably.

Senabena blinked at him several times before she sighed. “Well you certainly did blurt it out didn’t you.” She shook her head at him. “You did not tell her the most important part of any of this.”

“I wasn't exactly thinking,” he groaned. yeah he messed this one up. “And which part did I forget to blurt out?”

“That you have feelings for her you deadglow.” Senabena shook her head and went into the stables. “Hey Rena.” The younger woman greeted as she slowly walked over to the woman who was standing on an overturned bucket looking at the runner being prepared with Far Site’s colours for the race.

“Hello Abe.” The Harper greeted stepping down awkwardly to look at the pair. “Did he tell you I am staying for the race and then I am leaving?”

“No I did forget that part.” Of course he wasn't so sure Rena would appreciate it. Not of her reaction had been anything to go by. He quietly followed his sister, smiling at Rena when she stepped down. “No I hadn't told her that yet.”

“Please don’t.” Senabena said sadly, making Rena wish she had just left when the overwhelming anger had started to make her. This would only get more difficult now with Senabena looking at her so sadly like she wanted to fix everything. The determination on her face was nearly making her believe that the girl could.

“I am not some political tool Abe. I am not Lord Holder’s kin, I am just a…”

“You are not just a anything.” Senabena argued.

“No you are not a political tool,” Bensen assured Rena. “You are so much more. To all…” He trailed off, glancing at his sister. “To me. I don't want to lose you.”

“You will still be able to visit your niece and whatever this baby is once they are born.” She assured him gently. “I’ll be at Harper Hall I suspect until things settle down.”

“That wasn't what I meant,” he said quietly. He knew Rena wouldn't keep them from seeing the kids. “I know you’ll let us seem them, but Rena…it's you I think I'm falling for. And hard,” he said softly.

Senabena turned to her brother wide eyed as he finally stuttered through what he needed to say. The silence was deafening for a moment before Rena looked at him confused. “Pardon?”

“He is in love with you and has for a long time but he is too sharding honourable and sincere and Ben like to mention anything.” Senabena said quickly before anyone could say anything else. “I need to go and finish off things.” She added quickly leaving the pair alone.

He stared in alarm as his sister answered and then left them. Bensen slowly looked up at Rena, uncertainty in his eyes. “I didn't say anything because I didn't want to dishonor Oseben’s memory or rush you.”

“I need a moment.” Rena said leaning back against the stable trying to organise her thoughts. She stayed like that silently looking at the man seeing how uncertain he looked at even telling her now. “I have no idea what to say.” Rena said gently as she rubbed her eyes.

Bensen nodded in understanding, staying close but giving her space to think. “You don't have to say anything. It was not the way I wanted to tell you.”

“How long?” She wondered finally as she looked around to confirm that this was a private confusion. She did not want the man to be more embarrassed than he already seemed to be from declaring what he had.

He quickly looked up at the question. He hadn't expected that. “I've always cared about you as my sister-in-law and probably over the last 3 months or so it has become more,” he admitted quietly.

“I am sorry.” She whispered wishing she had words to help him when he had been feeling like this for so long when she must not have helped the situation. “I have not always been kind over these last few months.”

“There is nothing to be sorry for, Ren. you were grieving. We all were, still are. That's why I didn't want to say anything but then Sena told me my parents plans and I knew I couldn't wait.” He had wanted to give her time and space to heal.

“You are too kind, " she said, stepping up to him and touching his cheek for a moment, seeing her frustration and anger at the situation reflected back at her. “I do not want to run and break your heart, " she whispered, turning away to gather her thoughts.

He slowly looked up into her eyes. This wasn't fair at all. She should get to choose. “I thank you for your consideration of that.” He really didn't want a broken heart n.again.

Rena closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around herself. “This is crazy. I have nothing to offer you, Bensen.” She sighed, turning back looking at him.

Senabena came running into where they were. “Mother, Father and everyone are coming to watch.” She said seeing the pair looking a lot calmer than they had been moments before.

“Ren, I'm not looking for anything. Just you,” he tried to assure her but froze when Senabena bounced back in. It was just perfect. Of course, they decided to come down today.

Rena closed her eyes for a second at his words. Why could this not be simple? “I am going to go for a walk alone. I do not feel I can hold my tongue if I see anyone. I will be back for the race. I promise.” She said not wanting to face anyone. She leant out and touched Senabena’s hand before she slipped past the pair as the Lord Holder group came in.

Bensen nodded. He couldn't blame her. It was a lot to take in and it was not ever supposed to be this way. If only it had been him that day and not Oseben.


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