Sorting The Wing
Posted on Sun Jan 26th, 2025 @ 2:39am by Bronze Rider Ni’hau & Bronze Rider I'han
3531 AL
Location: River Cove Weyr
Timeline: M 2 D 19
I’han looked around the office as he was invited inside for the first time properly. Not much had changed in the time since H’minle had, had the office but it certainly was dusty thanks to the time since they had, had a wingleader. I’han had not used the space having set up space in the records room or his own weyr to sort out what he had needed. “So where would you like to start sir?” The former weyrhealer asked starting to gather the pieces of paper from his pocket.
Sir? Ni’hau had never been called that in his life. He wasn’t sure how he felt about it. “Well, we can start with calling me Ni’hau,” he replied with a lop-sided grin. “Sir is my dad. Or the Weyrleader.”
"Okay Ni'hau and here I am thinking the north was all formal," I'han said letting some of his personality slip out that showed he was a lot lighter than he first seemed. "So where would you like to start Ni'hau? I apologise the office is in such a state I did not really know where to start after H'minle left in such a hurry." I'han scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Don’t worry about it,” replied Ni’hau, waving a hand in dismissal. “You should see my Weyr! Granted, I just moved in and I’m still organizing, but even so. I’ll straighten up as I go.” He chewed his lower lip for a moment, looking at the sheets they’d been given. “Let’s start at the bottom and work our way up. So, greens!” He pulled the sheets of green riders out of the stack.
“H’minle left so quickly I just did not know the wing would be so disorganised.” I’han shrugged sitting down on the familiar couch. “Greens well we have Rya, Zirieh…” He started listing off the green riders that was already there before he started to list off the ones they had gotten today.
“I don’t know any of them yet,” Ni’hau replied. “I suppose we could just put the most experienced at the very ends and shift them around if we need to. We’ll know more after drills. Do you have any insight that might help?”
"They are all experienced. We have not had new blood other than Weyrlings in a while." Hard to get experienced riders to want to come to the Weyr when the Weyr kept having issues with Dragon Hold. Most that stayed in the Weyr loved the south and had grew up in the Weyr or like himself was not going to be driven away.
“Yeah, I see that,” mused Ni’hau, looking over the sheets. “Okay, then we do it like we chose them. We’ll put these two at the ends,” he declared, pulling out two green riders at random, “for cleanup. And the rest we’ll just filter in at random. Sound good?”
“Works for me.” I’han made a couple of notes on the layout for passing around to new members so they could visualise it. “And where would you like me left or right of you?” He wondered used to being on the left for relaying instructions but he would be more than happy to drill things doing it on the right.
“That is a good question,” replied Ni’hau. “I would say to the slightly weaker side, but I don’t think that exists. Let’s go with left for now and see how it goes.”
"That works for me. It is where H'minle had me but I am more than happy to drill and train for the other side if needs be s.. I mean Ni’hau. This is a lot harder to get out of the habit of." I'han chuckled which made Kanoth laugh inside his head too.
}: You are trying too hard:{ The bronze told him firmly.
*** I feel like a Weyrling. How did me and H'minle make it work? *** He wondered back to the bronze as the dragon did not answer leaving the former weyrhealer to think things through himself as he stared around at the state of the office.
Ni’hau grinned. “It’s bound to take some time,” he agreed. “You’ll get used to it. Now! Onto the blues!” He spread out the blue riders for them to look at. “Oh hey, I know him!” he said, indicating one of the rider sheets with a name he recognized. “Well, okay, not really know. He directed me to the Weyrleader’s office when I first arrived. Nice guy.”
I’han said nothing other than gave a smile. This bronze rider was a lot calmer than H’minle but maybe his former wingleader was just a lot less relaxed about hierarchy. “He is. New but he seems to be fitting in well. We have the blues F’cone gave us.”
“Yeah, these will come in handy,” agreed Ni’hau. “Let’s see… we’ll put the oldest in front near the browns, next oldest in back by the greens, and the rest in between.” He laid the blues out more or less at random ahead of the greens. “What do you think?” he asked.
I'han looked it all over and nodded. "It looks logical until we know how the riders feel and react in these positions. Positives we are no longer winglight so that is something." I'han said G'vat, S’laten, K'vin and G'van had never let the wing down, but having more than enough to allow rest was nice.
“Yeah, we can switch them around later, if we need to,” agreed Ni’hau. “Or even just out of curiosity, to be honest.”
"I will follow your lead on that," I'han assured quickly. "I am still learning most of this and have muddled through the last month with the Weyrleader and other Wingleader's support." He had even taken advice from the Weyrlingmaster as C'dan was apt at knowing all the riders as most of them had come through his teachings.
Ni’hau nodded. “Sometimes I feel like I still ask too many questions,” he confessed. “I started leading the Weyrlings’ wing when I was 16, so I should have a handle on things by now, but….” He shrugged. “Sometimes I feel like I’m faking it.”
"You impressed young too?" I'han asked gently. He had impressed at 12 so it had been a huge shock to me and my parents. They had thought I would be back to my healer apprenticeship within in a month." They had just assumed he would go to the Weyr and be back after not impressing but there they were 20 turns on.
“I wasn’t quite that young,” Ni’hau replied. “I was 14. Still on the young side, but 12! Wow! I guess Kanoth must have thought you were pretty great even though you were so young.”
“He must have I guess.” I’han still could not help but have a moment of doubt for a moment before he felt his bronze offer his own opinion on it all.
}: I still think you are great. :{ Kanoth assured making the man smile a little.
“Well, I’ve never known a dragon to make a mistake,” Ni’hau added with a grin. “Sometimes I think they’re smarter than humans.”
“The dragons decide.” I’han said simply. It was a phrase as old as Pern that the dragons decided and they were mostly correct in their decisions and methods.
“Indeed,” agreed Ni’hau. “Sometimes I wonder why Zaijianth picked me. We’re so different. He’s… stoic, I guess is the best word. And I’m anything but.”
“Balancing act. Kanoth balances out me quite well as signs by why we are here discussing wings instead of other people.” I’han could feel the dragons rumbles of amusement but said nothing. He had done enough for that day. “Is there anything else we need here with this layout?” He wondered documenting it all properly so nothing would before forgotten.
“Not right now,” answered Ni’hau. “This looks good for starters. We can meet after wing practice and decide if we want to make any changes. But also, let me know if you think we should change it up midway through.”
"I will Ni'hau." I'han promised. His head was spinning but he had an idea of how things were going to be now which was nice as he wanted to get back to his routine and how he did things without issues.