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Plot Twist part 2

Posted on Wed Feb 15th, 2023 @ 6:01pm by Dolphineer Nerlyn & Bronze Rider K'ron
Edited on on Wed Feb 15th, 2023 @ 6:01pm

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: RCW
Timeline: M1 D8 12th CM

The former green rider had taken more than a candlemark to get a self out of her wet clothes and into something dry in the dolphineer locker room. She sat, staring at her locker for a long time going through the items that were there despite knowing them by sight before the fire lizard flicked into sight in front of her, reminding her that the bronze rider was still waiting for her and they really needed to talk about the fact she was pregnant.

Pregnancy was not something she has ever considered. She had not been taking any precautions because it was nigh on impossible possible, but there she was… they was. She pulled on the late summer dress and sandals, and headed back to the weyr. It felt like the longest climb of her lift even though it was barely three floors up. She slipped into the weyr relived that they did not need to have to rely on a dragon to get in and out. “Hey…” she called out.

K'ron had been worried when Nerlyn had sent him off. He understood why she needed time but it was still hard. Thankfully Koda always stayed close to her.

He was really starting to get worried when he finally heard her familiar voice. "Hey beautiful," he smiled.

Nerlyn slowly came into the weyr and set down her satchel and other items that she had brought from the dolphineer crafter hall. Koda squeaked and left the woman’s shoulder moving to his usual perch. “Sorry I ended up being longer than I thought I was. I got distracted by my thoughts.” It was something she was prone to since losing her green. “I left Rean at crèche for a little bit longer so we can talk.”

K'ron could see she still looked a bit unsure but at least she had come home. That was still a fear he had that he would lose her. "It's okay. You're here now." The bronze rider nodded. "That was a good idea. Do you need anything before we talk?"

“Not in the slightest.” She lowered herself to the couch. She could wash the salt off her later, it would do no harm for a little bit to wait. This conversation was so much more important than anything else. They were happy about it, right? Could they risk what happened last time? We’re they even doing right by talking to each other instead of talking to a healer?

He could see the confusion flickering in her eyes and was afraid to ask. He was thrilled and terrified at the same time. K'ron had come too close to losing her too many times. Would this truly be smart? "How are you feeling?"

Confused to say the least. “I had not considered this as an option, even though we were not really doing anything to stop it. I just never thought that my body would be healthy enough to carry another baby.” She glanced at the room that was their sons and the biggest change to the life they had built since she lost her green dragon. The closeness of family had not been something that she had considered as a dragon rider as her son would have been brought up by foster parent, but with her no longer having a dragon meant she can be a mum full-time. Could you do that to 2 children? Was she healthy enough to do it to children?

The bronze rider nodded. "I know what you mean. I hadn't considered it either," he admitted. It had certainly been the farthest thing from his mind. Not that he didn't love Raen. The boy was adorable and he loved having Raen there. "I have to admit I'm excited but nervous too. I don't want to lose you."

The fact he said did not want to lose her warmed bits of her she did not know she had but somewhere deep down was a girl you were 15 turns old who had always wanted to hear that. “I think I need to get a healer's opinion on how wise this is.” Nerlyn finally said having some clarity on the situation and what she needed to do.

K'ron had to admit that was a smart idea. It probably should have been their first thought but it had all come as such a shock neither knew quite how to react. "That is a good idea," he agreed softly. "If you like I can go with you," he offered, not sure if she wanted him to be there or not.

The woman nodded. She very much wanted him involved and there for every step of this new journey they were on. It would be different no matter what the healers said and what the choices were from it. She was not a rider now so it would be different but it would be okay. “I want you there. You’re my mate and you should be involved in all the discussions but I do not want to do it today.” She admitted.

K'ron was grateful that she wanted him involved. He loved her and couldn't imagine not being involved but he also wasn't going to upset her by doing something she didn't want. He nodded. "I understand. There is time to talk to a healer. Right now there is a lot to think about and process."

“There really is.” The woman commented as she looked for a moment defeated as she tried to fish through some thoughts to work it all out. It was complicated and there was so much going on around the weyr that she needed time to process and she was so early they had a lot of it.

He moved around to sit close to her. "Hey, we'll figure it out. We always do," K'ron said softly, putting an arm around her shoulders.

Nerlyn moved into the embrace and nodded. “I know but I also have a long sea watch coming up. Do you think it will wait until after that safely or should I mention it and…. Wait?” She had requested the watch as she would be out of the Weyr for the Queen's flight.

He held her close and kissed her hair. The bronze rider considered her words. "I think you should still be safe. It's early yet and I don't think waiting a little longer will be a problem." She wasn't going between or anything like that so he couldn't see the harm.

Nerlyn nodded, laying her head on his shoulder as she thought it all through. She did not even know if he knew of her dislike of being in the weyr for a queen flight but it was nothing she hid. She made it obvious but sometimes she knew the man missed the marks knowing things. She would be on ship for a lot of it and not in the ocean, relaying dolphin instructions to the crew and gathering weather patterns but it was still hard work mentally and physically if the seas were rough or the dolphins uncooperative which sometimes happened with pod dynamics.

He gently rubbed her arm, knowing why she wanted to be away from the Weyr. Yes, he could be dense at times but this one he understood and couldn't blame her. The bronze rider kissed her hair. "If you think it's too strenuous a job to not speak with a healer then I will support you but only you can make that choice."

“Will be fine.” She whispered softly looking up at him. “I will be fine. We just need to go through the motions and…” She sighed a little. “Ki… You are going to win Zalyith’s flight. And I do not want to be here for it so I have to be there.”

K'ron trusted Nerlyn to know what she was capable of at the moment. Ah ha so that was her concern. He kissed her hair, wishing he could take her fear away. "I don't know if we will or not. I know Ty would love to but even if we do you're the only one I love, but I see why you don't want to be here."

Nerlyn frowned but said nothing else just settled into the silence. She knew how flights worked but also knew how it worked with queen flights. She was not in the mood for arguing when she had a new life growing inside of her that she had to keep clam for even if she was going to go between. She had to keep herself healthy.

He could see he wasn't offering her much comfort. Flights were rough and he knew they were even worse for Nerlyn. K'ron didn't argue as he just held Nerlyn close. They would get through this. They had to.


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