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RCW: Sunrise Watch

Posted on Wed Oct 23rd, 2024 @ 1:18pm by Blue Rider N'raen & Green Rider Tanly
Edited on on Thu Oct 24th, 2024 @ 9:18pm

Mission: 3531 AL
Location: RCW
Timeline: MD D3

N’rean yawned as he watched the sun slowly creeping over the star stones. It had been a long quiet night which was just how he liked it as he jumped up and down to get some feeling back into his legs after standing in same spot for a while. Garath might have used the opportunity for a nap, his rider had never napped on watch unlike many of his colleagues, it was not worth the roar of the weyrleaders dragon if he caught them. He put a hand over his eyes as he could see his replacement circling to join him for the last candlemark of shared duties.

Early morning watches were just slightly better than night watches. Tanly yawned a bit as Cadalayith glided down to the fire heights. She hadn’t really wanted to leave I'han's side. It had felt so good to just snuggle with him but duties called.

Cadalayith landed on the fire heights and folded her wings to her back as Tanly slid down her shoulder. “Good morning,” she told N'rean.

“Good morning Tanly. Good morning Cadalayith.” The older blue rider said, smiling with a slight bow to the pair. Garath raised an eyelid at the exchange but decided that sleeping would be a better option for a little longer. “Lazy. I have done this watch alone.” N'rean sighed smiling , rolling his eyes.

Cadalayith crooned a greeting to both. Tanly smiled at Gareth. “Too bad we can't get away with that too,” she chuckled. She had no doubt that Cadalayith would be doing the exact same thing shortly.

“No, I would rather not have A’ren and Zarminath scare me off the heights. I am also not a weyrling.” He smirked and offered the woman the seat he had been leaning against. Zarminath was known to frighten weyrlings on first watch or lazy riders to make sure they stayed awake next time.

The green rider laughed. “You have a point there. I certainly don't want to experience that either.” She had heard all those stories. Thankfully she hadn't experienced it though. “Thank you,” she smiled, taking the offered seat.

“R’en and Neilla have both had it happen to them in weyrlinghood. You would think they would have known better with parents for riders and having grown up here.” The blue rider said fondly thinking of his tribe of green riders fondly. R’en might be gone and Nerlyn Dragonless but he always thought of them as riders just like Neilla, Lyna and Cathlyn.

Tanly had to smile at the picture she got with his words. “Some of us just have to learn first-hand,” she chuckled. “Bet they didn't do it again.” She had known R'en a little bit. He had been a very nice man and the girls were all nice.

“Not that they ever admitted.” He chuckled. Some people learned by knowing and some people learned by doing or not doing in some cases. It was why he could never have much to do with the weyrlings or candidates he had not patience for words when he was so used to action. “And isn’t that the truth of life? How have you been recently?” He had not seen the woman much recently with the change of wings around in preparing for more riders to fill their ranks.

“Bet they wouldn’t have said anything if they did,” she grinned. Tanly shrugged a shoulder. “Doing good. It's been good to see some new riders in the wings.” It felt odd though to be so mixed up but in a good way. “How bout you?”

He had thought the same. It was a learning curve to learn everyone's quirks and to know how to know if someone was right or wrong with new people you had never flown with before. “Similar but it is nice to have Cathlyn in the wing. She has always been a concern of mine being so timid but she is fierce in threadfall.”

She would imagine it would be nice to have his daughter in his wing. “I don't doubt that,” Tanly agreed. She wasn't very outgoing herself but when it came to Thread there was no holding back.

The man nodded growing tired as a yawn escaped his grip as he looked out across the heights and the sun rising higher across the Weyr Bowl. He smiled as the herdbeast started to come out of their overnight housing timidly. He looked at his report for the evening and noted nothing that was strange or unusual but handed it over to her so she could check through and confirm anything.

Tanly accepted the report and read through it. No news was always good news. “Calm night I see. Hope it stays that way.” She looked out over the Bowl as it started to come to life. “You should go get some rest.”

“I still have half a candlemark.” He said as he started to rouse the blue dragon who grumbled. “But I will do a sweep of the Weyr from above to check everything.” He assured thinking that would keep them awake till their watch was over properly. He could maybe join Lyna for breakfast before he slept.

The green rider nodded. “That sounds like a good idea,” she agreed. She knew how night watch could be and how tired you could be at the end.

“Safe skies.” The man stated with a salute as he hauled himself up onto the blue. The dragon yawned a couple of times before leaping into the sky without another comment. N’rean could not help in that moment above the weyr believe himself the luckiest man on pern.


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