Welcome to the River Cove Weyr!

River Cove Weyr was established over a decade ago, originally on Yahoogroups, before finally finding its home here. Set in the 10th Pass of Pern, around 3500 AL, this timeline explores an alternate history where AIVAS’ grand plan to end Threadfall ultimately failed. During a 1000-Turn Interval, Pern nearly forgot the menace of Thread altogether, allowing civilization to expand freely across the Southern Continent.

Nestled within the remnants of an ancient volcanic range, River Cove Weyr faces the warm, southern seas, offering a unique environment. A freshwater river cuts through the heart of the Weyr, providing a vital resource used by all its inhabitants, and the Weyr’s strategic location places it at the center of the surrounding holds and halls. This ensures River Cove is well-supplied, one of the few Weyrs to thrive during the long Thread-free Interval. When Thread finally returned, River Cove was prepared, while many other Weyrs had faded into obscurity or struggled to rebuild.

The South, home to River Cove, is known for its independent and progressive spirit. While the Northern Continent holds fast to rigid traditions and conservative views, particularly regarding the roles of women and the structure of the crafthalls, the South has embraced change. River Cove Weyr reflects this Southern ethos, allowing greater freedom for its inhabitants, regardless of rank, gender, or background. Dragonriders and Weyrfolk here take pride in their more egalitarian approach to life, contrasting sharply with the often more hierarchical and tradition-bound societies of the North.

Tensions between the North and South have grown over the Turns, fueled by these cultural differences. Northerners view the South's relaxed attitude as reckless, while Southerners consider the North's rigidity stifling and outdated. Yet, with Thread once again falling from the skies, cooperation between the continents is more vital than ever—though it remains to be seen if these two very different societies can set aside their differences in time to face the renewed menace of Pern’s ancient enemy.

Latest News Items

» Timeline of Events 3531

Posted on Fri May 12th, 2023 @ 10:11am by Gold Rider Lana in Sim Announcement

Hi All

As we reach the end of Month 1 of 3531 I thought I would share the major events for the next couple of IC months.



- Zalyith Rises - Winner K’ron / Tyreth


- Kymos Gather


- Clutching


- Hatching
- Tropical Storm


- Kalaith rise - Winner A’ren / Zarminath

» New Player - Chellis

Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 7:03am by Gold Rider Lana in Sim Announcement

Hi All

I would just like to introduce all of you to our new player Kitty. They will be playing a candidate called Chellis. I would like to ask while they settle in you offer lots of jp's and make them feel welcome on our slice of pern.


» New Player - Galen

Posted on Sun Sep 18th, 2022 @ 12:45pm by Gold Rider Lana in General News

Hi All

I would just like to introduce all of you to our new player DreamWriter. They will be playing a candidate called Galen. I would like to ask while they settle in you offer lots of jp's and make them feel welcome on our slice of pern.


Latest Mission Posts

» Closure For Riklan

Mission: 3531 AL
Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 2:54pm by Theeressa & Sr Journeyman Riklan

Theeressa grinned as she opened the door, expecting to see Marika and Nikolai, but stopped, her smile faltering as she saw Leisa standing in the doorway. “Leisa?” she questioned, memories flooding back as she stared at him, not having seen him since the night he kidnapped her, making her unwell.…

» Gather Awe

Mission: 3531 AL
Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 2:50pm by Bronze Rider V'ros & Analees

Analees walked around the Hold in awe. She had never been to a Gather before and she didn't even know where to start. There was so much to see and so many people. She wanted to see everything but knew that was impossible. Although she would take what she could…

» To The Weyrleader

Mission: 3531 AL
Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 2:47pm by Gold Rider Lana & Bronze Rider F'cone & Jr Journeyman Senabena & Bronze Rider A'ren & Bronze Rider K'ron

Lana grinned across at the Weyrleader as he glanced up from listening to Lord Marcaono make the formal speech that opened the Gather. They had both only just made it running which meant they did not have seats together as they had been the last to arrive thanks to Lana.…

» He Does Not Do Things Without Thinking

Mission: 3531 AL
Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 2:41pm by Jr Journeyman Senabena & Sr Journeyman Rena

The ball would be in the grand hall with the master crafters, Lord Holders and their families, Weyrleaders, and anyone else the Kymos Lord Holder had invited. The banners were lit by glows, and the fires were stocked, casting soft light across the space. Rena took a deep breath as…

» Harper

Mission: 3531 AL
Posted on Tue Feb 25th, 2025 @ 3:48am by Master Craftman Mari & Sr Journeyman Halia

Halia was a nervous wreck as she tried to find what she was looking for in the Harper stores. Maybe she should have cleaned it up before now but the Master Harper had not mentioned it and she had been more interested in keeping the weyr children distracted enough not…